Android Newbie storage issue


Mar 9, 2014
Hi everyone. Android newbie here. Have been a Mac guy my whole life but bought my daughter an Android tablet (WolVol) recently and am having difficulty understanding a few things.

I've downloaded many apps and all is well. Tried to at Netflix today and keep getting "insufficient space" error. When I look up the storage info I see INTERNAL STORAGE available is 501MB. DATA STORAGE available is 9.41GB.

Any reason I keep getting the "insufficient space" error?

Thanks for your time,
Scott M
Hi Scott,

welcome to the forums.

Are you experiencing the space error when you start netflix, or when you are trying to install it?

Netflix (on my phone) takes up about 47MB, so it should fit, however, for streaming video, it does make use of a buffer, in which case the 501mb (asuming that 9.4gb is a memorycard) might not be enough.


It could also be caused by some Google App updates needed.
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I get the error when it tries to install. I forgot to mention that I don't have a memory card in the tablet.

I just looked at the Apps in Settings and noticed that the 9.4GB free says it is on a SD card when I don't have an SD card in.

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If you have google services (Google Play/gmail etc) on your tablet, try checking for app updates in Google Play.

If netflix is already installed (maybe it was pre-installed) try clearing the data/app cache for it in Settings > Applications