Android Tablet as a bluetooth headset reciever


May 27, 2011
I am thinking about using a tablet for the stereo system in my car instead of the navigation deck that i have right now. I was wondering if anyone has been able to make it so that the tablet would be used as a bluetooth speakerphone for my actual cell phone(Epic 4g). As in route calls from my phone through the car speakers when the tab is docked. I dont need volume controls because that will be handled by a dedicated unit. Any ideas?
I am thinking about using a tablet for the stereo system in my car instead of the navigation deck that i have right now. I was wondering if anyone has been able to make it so that the tablet would be used as a bluetooth speakerphone for my actual cell phone(Epic 4g). As in route calls from my phone through the car speakers when the tab is docked. I dont need volume controls because that will be handled by a dedicated unit. Any ideas?

I have a different use, but same idea and question. I am putting together a replacement for our Telstra T-hub (which is a good idea, but was poorly implemented). It enables me to use it as a speaker phone using (I believe) a proprietry RF signial to talk to the analog dialer.

I want to replace all this with a Siemens Gigaset SL785 and an Andriod tablet.
