Android Tablet for controlling Ableton?


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2012
I've been told Android tablets have too high latency when compared with iPads for this, is this true? I know TouchOSC is available for Android.

I've been looking at getting both a Launchpad and an eBook reader, so I thought maybe for around the same price I might be able to combine the two. I could afford a second hand iPad, but I'm put off by the battery replacement issue(Especially when buying second hand), and lack of SD slots on the cheaper models.

Surely there must be a tablet that has decent latency and perhaps audio hardware? I'm on a budget and don't want to shell out for an iPad if I can avoid it. I'd like to keep it around the €250 mark at most.

I don't think latency is a legitimate issue. If you get decent hardware there is no reason it should be any higher than an iDevice.