Android Tablet + secure mounting bracket


Jul 18, 2011
I am looking to by a android tablet but I need a secure way to mount it on the wall so it does not get stolen. I have yet to purchase the tablet as I want to make sure the tablet I buy will work with the mounting bracket. Everything I am finding search the web is for the iPad but I do see some that will work for any tablet, but it looks like they can be taken off easy. Does anyone know of a mounting bracket where I don't have to worry about someone walking up and stealing it?
Hi Redbrad , im looking to do the same, Can u please help me if you have found anything.

I have a guy custom making the brackets. If you want to see the bracket, shoot me a email or a message on yahoo messenger. My username on this forum is the same as my yahoo messenger or email address (you forgot to add the zero at the end when you sent this post).
You can check on wanpool, it's a professional mount seller for Tablets, with a lot of mount solutions.