android tablet that can do these things...


Jan 21, 2011
Hello, and I must say I <3 this site sooo much :D

I'm looking to buy this tablet for my mom...

no name brand from ebay

My mom would use it for the following:

email checking
light game playing (solitaire, and other simple games nothing 3d)
pdf/ebook reading
LIGHT internet surfing, no you tube no flash nothing sophisticated like that :)

my questions are the following:

What type of tablet is that in the above link? (it claims to be an Epad/Apad or something else?)

For the uses described above shouldn't this tablet be more than enough for what it will be used for?

Thanks to any and all responders !
I see it's been moved to the appropriate section, but when I went to that section, I didn't see my topic there??? Do I have to repost my question? I don't want to cause spam :/
I would NOT get a no name tablet. Out of personal experience, there is horrible/no support. You will have to tinker around with it go get games and the Android market working so you better like to tinker. Also, the listing does not say if the screen is resistive or capitive. If it is resistive, then it will be hard to pay solitaire. I would ask about the screen.