Angry Birds Rio on Flytouch 3


Mar 20, 2011
Anyone have that new game on Flytouch 3? I downloaded it from Amazon Store once it was downloading then tried to install but failed. I have Angry Birds and Angry Birds Seasons on it with no plm.

Any help on this?


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Well, since downloading the new updates I can download all three just fine, but I keep getting the "install unsuccessful" notification. I had angry birds before and it worked like a dream.

Sent from my Flytouch 2 Generation 2 using Android Tablet Forum App
Angry Birds, and Angry Birds Season work perfectly, on mine however Rio just loads okay, but when I go to play reverts back to app store?
Anyone have that new game on Flytouch 3? I downloaded it from Amazon Store once it was downloading then tried to install but failed. I have Angry Birds and Angry Birds Seasons on it with no plm.

Any help on this?


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Pull out your MicroSD card first before you install it. That should do it. In the future you do it this way first.
maildrop is correct. Some ft2v2 roms require you to remove sdcard for some apps to install. Any app that says failed to install, remove sdcard and try again. If it really annoys you rollback/up to rom 20110316, if i recall it is the latest one that does not have this issue.