Another A500 Play Store Error


Sep 1, 2012
After updating my rooted A500 to a Custom 5.1.1 ROM I have been unable to connect to the Google Play Store. I have done everything I have read about this issue.

I have a valid Google acc twhich I have removed and added several times as well as done things such as cleaning Play store and other Google apps data/cache, factory reset.
I have visited other WiFi spots to connect with no luck. My host file only has the normal one.
My tablet connects with You Tube and Gmail to my acct but not the Play Store.
I can visit the Play Store and log in the browser but can not download.

I have gone back to previous ROMs with different Gapps, JB, ICS, KitKat and it still does not connect.
My router has been rebooted and checked.
From my PC I can see in Google Play that the store has seen my device but the Android Device manager can not. On my Tab I can see the settings and acct info of the Play Store but it still says connection error.

There are probably more fixes I have tried, as but cant remember them now.

Any other suggestions on how I can proceed to find a solution to this problem?
I've spent MANY hours online searching and reading forums and have just about reached my limit then I remembered this one and thought I'd try here.
After all this time searching I can say that I know a lot more about my tablet,
but still can't get this problem fixed.

Any help or input in greatly appreciated!
If you also did a factory reset I can't suggest anything else. Especially since you tried other WiFi. Wish I had something, however, if it shows up on the WEB on the Store, can you push an app to it?
I can see the Play Store and browse etc but if I try to install anything it tells me, "App will be installed soon."
I assume that means when I finally get it to connect.
It seems that the only thing this tablet cant do is connect to the Play Store.
My Gmail and YouTube connect and verify acct no problem.

Is there a specific server address or something I can point it at somehow?

I have tried various versions of Play Store, Play Store Services etc via side-loading with no result.
Again, if you did a factory reset and it still wouldn't work something is going on that I don't understand. When you did the reset did it install any other apps.
No Apps from the Store. I have wiped and formatted this thing several times to trying to find something that works with the Play Store. 3-4 ROMs and Gapps combinations have not worked in restoring the connection to Play Store server
Make sure the date and time are correct on your tablet.

Have you tried using another Google email/account, to see if the problem is with your account.

Date and time OK. The Google acct was fine until I installed the 5.1.1 ROM.
I am going to yet another location and try everything again.

No luck at other locations. Google sees my A500 when I sign in on it. I get email notifications for the acct on my PC.
The Google acct on the tablet has auto sync errors but sometimes will sync manually so it says.

I am asked to sign in a lot on the tablet which makes me think there is some kind of authentication error somewhere.
I have deleted the device from the acct and added it later with no result. The same goes for the acct on the tablet.
I talked with Google on the phone but there were no help, only offering the most basic advice.

I am stumped on this one.
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. If I work it out another way I'll let you know.

Thanks a lot for your time. :)