Anti virus?


Dec 25, 2011
Hey, probably a noob question, but this is my first Android and tablet. Is there an anti virus on this as standard or do I need to install one?



Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Antivirus is not included with the A500. There are several available for free in the market and there is some debate as well as to weather they are even necessary. Personally, I installed AVG just to be safe.
I use AVG too, just in case. Have had no issues with it and it doesn't seem to slow it down any.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
There are no viruses for Android.
You do not need an anti-virus.

Lookout is a nice package because it can find your tablet when you lose it.

Other than that, there has never been even one published/documented case of any of these antivirus programs ever detecting a virus or even common
malware when you install crapp-apps from untrustworthy sources, let alone when you install from the market.

Gauntlet Thrown:
Until or unless your favorite Antivirus program actually catches a unknown virus please stop posting FUD about AVG and others. If you need your
security blanket to sleep at night that's YOUR paranoia. Please stop propagating the MYTH of viruses in Android.

» Why Android Anti-Virus Apps Fail Mobile Privacy & Security
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In the spirit of adventure and stupidity, I downloaded a .apk from the most questionable source I could find. As soon as I touched the install option in my file manager app, AVG provided me with a handy alert that the .apk in question was infected. Be it a "virus" or "malware" I am not sure. Regardless of what it was, I believe I will keep an anti-virus running on my tab.


Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Lame. You went looking for a bad file and managed to find one.
I rather suspect you already knew it was infected ahead of time, probably by Googleing the web.

You didn't get this from the market, you had to Download it from the web, and you had to Check the box that said Allow Untrusted sources.
And you STILL haven't found a virus. In fact, it was only malware, not a virus, and it would not affect the Acer.

Further: Google had removed that app and 57 others like it from the market back in MARCH 2011, and remotely removed it from devices
that had installed it.

An Update on Android Market Security - Official Google Mobile Blog
Google confirms it pulled malicious Android apps | Security - CNET News
Android Tutorials: May 2011

And guess what: It didn't even affect your unit. According to Google:
The applications took advantage of known vulnerabilities which don’t affect Android versions 2.2.2 or higher

Furthermore AVG and Lookout failed to recognize this malware, and stop it ahead of time: Quote Lookout:
The problem was reported to Lookout by a developer who found that modified versions of his app and another developer's app were being distributed in the Android Market. Lookout confirmed that malicious code was inserted into the apps and identified markers that linked the code with DroidDream samples.

Until a developer spotted it, Lookout and the other AV programs were totally clueless.

If you simply leave "Unknown Sources" Unchecked in the settings, you have all the malware and antivirus protection you need.
Wow Icebike, my intention was not to cause you grief. Firstly, yes I used a Google search to find .apk files and no I was not aware that the app was infected at the time of download. In fact, another of the apps I found is still installed and working quite well.

In response to the rest of your thought out and well written rebuttal to my screen shot, I completely agree that as long as a user obtains apps from only trusted sources that there is absolutely no danger of acquiring viruses or malware. You have obviously done considerable research on this topic and I value you as a respected and knowledgable member of this forum.

I for one have no intention of unchecking the Trusted Sources box and I will continue to download apps from wherever I can find them. You say that whatever was infecting that .apk was harmless, that it has already been discovered, retracted or deactivated. So be it. Consider this, if that one was able to slip through the market and required Google to do an OTA deactivation then when will the next one slip through?

Android is an ever growing operating system with more users every day. It is my opinion that with each new user the temptation for programmers and hackers grows as well. When a virus or piece of malware is discovered and blocked by PC antivirus software, the developers don't stop and say oh well. They see a challenge and step up with a new nastier version.

You choose to not run antivirus apps and that is perfectly acceptable. I choose to have the personal piece of mind that comes with running it.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Consider this, if that one was able to slip through the market and required Google to do an OTA deactivation then when will the next one slip through?

When something does slip thru the market, you can rest assured your AVG won't catch it.

Google will catch it, remove it from the market, and remotely de-install it before AVG even finds out about it, much less pushes an update out.

Besides, I already have peace of mind because I have a Tiger Protection Rock in my Garden. And it works. No Tigers ever seen in my garden.
This topic has been debated before, it will be debated again. You can run naked through the market all you want. I will wear an AV app. You keep recommending others join the nudist colony. I will keep pointing them in the direction of AV protection.

See ya 'round sir.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum, and ROLL TIDE.
Its not what you run on your tablet that bothers me.

Its that you come here spreading ignorant Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

Read my lips : Android is not Windows.

Learn something about operating systems before you climb on your pedestal.
To anyone besides Icebike that is interested, I would like to share this. I found it to be well written and quite informative. Hopefully it is not against forum policy to post links to posts on other forums?

Icebike, I find your last response to be mildly inflamitory and somewhat rude. There is no reason for this as I have been nothing but respectful in my dealings with you. While I respect the research you have done and the level of knowledge you have gained from it, it it unlikely that I will accept everything you say as gospel truth. I have done research on this topic, and have not found enough evidence to sway my mindset.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum, and ROLL TIDE.
Master debates and Android condums

Sooner or later some git will decide it would be fun to hack Android and find a way to get you, the antivirus will always be a step behind this git... That's the way it works. As long as the antivirus gets the info from some other unlucky person, the next guy will be protected, but someone has to catch the bug before the antivirus knows what to do.