Any Aviation Apps for non-iPad Tablets


Oct 20, 2010
I am planning on getting a tablet this Christmas. An iPad would be great, but very expensive. Looking to one of the more affordable tablets. I'd like to be able to load it up with aviation apps. (weather, sectional charts, approach plates, ect. ) Current pgms for ipad include Foreflight, Flight Guide, Aero Charts and Wing X Pro. Is there an Android tablet that can run these apps or similar apps for aviation?
you will have to reasearch the equivalent apps on android market and determine what level of os for android is required.
then do you need just wifi or 3g(i don't think you can pickup a 3g signal in the air)
also do you need a gps finder built into your android system

your main issue is whether equivalent apps can be found in android,
WCDMA 3D does work very well in the air, it also doesnt interfere with other mobiles as GSM does in the air. Have to admit to using google maps in the air with good results. I also want some sort of plates etc for android, my 7" device has wifi, 3G, bluetooth & GPS so would be well suited for aviation apps, if anyone is trying to do these please contact and I will help. Will look nice to have the android on my cessna dash. :)

I'm very interested in this as well and will check out WCDMA 3D. I'm getting my tablet today and we have a short trip in a single engine to another state. I'll let you know if I get to try it out! :)

Stewartjm, I will PM you if I have questions.
I keep checking the web sites with the iPad software to see if they are developing crossover for Android sys. but have not found any yet. I have the $ to purchase the 32GB iPad, but I hate being restricted to only "Apple Approved" software. (Guess I could always "jailbreak" the iPad.) I want to make my purchase by March 2011, so I hope the app developers come up with some by then.
I am also looking for GA apps, in particular Charts and Approach Plates apps, like the iPad has. I have the $ for a 32GB WiFi 3G iPad, but I am holding off to see if the Android developers come up with these. I would like to make my hardware purchase by March... so I'm hoping! I love the iPad apps, but Apple's strangle hold over software additions is a huge turn off. Come on Developers!
You might chexk out a site under a search vfrpad. Ran into this and it is an android with gps and all necessary aviation programs.