Since I haven't been able to recieve any responses to initial request to help get English on my tablet (from Chinese) the seller thought I should get someone of Chinese descent to translate for me. I suppose this is not an option I would have considered as I don't know any Chinese. Since I live in Pennsylvania the seller told me there were a lot of Chinese in the state; I just wondered if he expected them to follow me around and translate whenever I wanted to use my tablet? I will be mailing it back tomorrow, let's hope some Chinese man/woman/child will need one.............dan
Hi dan, you have a tablet? If the first is yes continue reading. Android or winMob? It is Your first digital device? ( i expect a "no" to the last answer) if. The answer. Is yes. PM me WE'LL work together to post
Some. Helpfull information.
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Asthon............thank you for your kind offer but I mailed my tablet back to the seller this afternoon. I only had a short time before I could not return it, and, with a previous lack of responses, I gave it up as a lost cause. I did not want to lose my payment and hope you understand; best of luck in your endeavors..........buenos suerte.............dan