Anybody else lose speaker audio after Coby update?


Jan 4, 2011
Got my Kyros 7015 a couple of days ago. Tablet was working fine. Audio was present when playing videos/tapping screen.

Then I completed the update zip on Coby's site without any problems.

Proceeded to play a video and didn't have any sound coming out to the built in speaker. Checked and re-checked all the settings any everything is in order. Reset/wiped the machine back to factory default three times.....still no audio. The only way I can hear any audio is by plugging in the ear buds using the side jack.

Got a call in to Coby support...waiting to hear back. Anybody else having similar problems?
Updated mine last week, no problems. Sorry to hear about your problems.
Good luck with Coby!
Even out of the box I could barely hear anything, did not get better after firmware update. I could not tell you if it is worse.
To those who were following this thread - I managed to swap out my unit for a new one by the original retailer. Coby's tech support is non-existent as its been 4 days waiting for a call back to help resolve the speaker issue. Maybe everyone's at CES...
got a coby 1024 2 wk fine when ive installed android apps till yesterday when i open my tab there was no audio from ext speakers..tried reset and wipe with no gud result. plugged a headphone and still no audio...thus anyone solved this type of problem? tnx