Anyone else using VLC Remote?


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2011
Hey all I was hoping to gather some Nook Color related data before I contact the dev. I use VLC remote as an all encompassing remote for media on my home PC. Between it and Gmote I really don't use my mouse or keyboard anymore:cool:. However while trying to determine battery life/draw I discovered that VLC remote runs almost constantly at 20-25% cpu load and battery draw. This is while on or with the screen off. It runs constantly.

:mad:In a nutshell it is killing my battery life:mad:

So I am just wondering if anyone else uses the app and if you do have you noticed the same battery suffocating behavior?

Thanks in advance.

PS-I tested the same circumstances on my phone and it never rose above 4% cpu/batt.
I just tried gmote haven't tried VLC remote yet, so I don't know about battery draw yet. Does it open full size for you or is it scaled for a phone? it is very small on my nook, most apps upsize just fine. I have compatibility mode checked in spare parts.
VLC remote scales beautiful, and I figured out the issue it had to do with keeping something on pause on my pc. As soon as I made sure to "stop" the video etc, VLC remote has been fine. With Gmote the main console doesn't scale but the "touchpad" feature does. It's really slick, a seven inch touch pad remote for my pc.