Anyone know about battery life?


Jul 25, 2010
Hey, does anyone have any idea about what the battery life would/could be? For me to get one I'm going to have to drive 2 and 1/2 hours to the closest kmart and I would hate to buy a portable device that has to be tethered to an AC power plug every 2 or 3 hours. Or if the USB port would allow a keyboard to use for note taking in class.
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It does seem that the battery life is only about 4 hours. You can shorten the idle time for turning off the screen and decrease the brightness, but my preliminary tests show a maximum of 4 hours active...

I'll test a USB keyboard tonight and let you know.
When my battery was about to go dead it offered me an option to see what was taking up most of the battery power. I open it and it appeared that 90% of the power went to try and find a data signal (not wi-fi). I know this thing doesn't have a cell radio but it still shows up on the menu bar. If there was a way to tell the unit it was in airplane mode and not look for a cell connection the battery should last longer. I downloaded an Airplane - Wi-fi app and installed it via sd card but when I run it, it crashes.
If you can reduce the LCD panel brightness you can also save on the battery. I get 3 hrs out of this device in normal usage. More than that if I let go to sleep. 4 hrs seem to be the max.
Wi-Fi is still active 802.11g. But int goes to sleep (standby) but since this morning issue got me wondering if it going to completely not power on after a power resume. Battery shows green amber graphic a slight use.
I've noticed this as well. I was wondering if anyone has found a way to disable it's search for a cell signal, from the read out it gives that would save a ton of battery life going to have to do some research.
I've noticed this as well. I was wondering if anyone has found a way to disable it's search for a cell signal, from the read out it gives that would save a ton of battery life going to have to do some research.

If you press Android hold a blank area of the desktop, the options to install widgets appear. I added the power widget. This let you turn on Android off the wi-fi from the desktop. There are also icons for blue tooth, gps, sync and brightness. These don't seem to function. Need one here for radio.
My battery says 2100mAn 8.4v on the sticker but the device never reports more than 911mv in spare parts fully charged. Looks like it's sucking some power faster than the battery is rated.
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Note: The screen calibration/USB charging patch fixes the screen calibration, but does not add USB charging. The screem icon will indicate charging, but the battery charge % still declines.