Anyone know anything about Maipads?


Feb 17, 2012
I have a Maipad F10B. Nothing on it works. When I try to use the Andriod Market it tells me that My Phone is not supported, the funny thing is it's not a phone. I tried to use the updates from their site, but they don't work. I contacted the Maixin Group(China) Co;Ltd. for help and they said, because I didn't buy direct from them; they will not help me. They also told me not to use anything from ther site. Now thats customer service. LOL.
Anyway, I don't know what to do. I would like to use this tablet to Surf, email, skype, or even play a game, but I can't.
Here is some info on it:
Maipad F10B (8GB) 10"
Model #: Dk1031
OS: Andrios 2.2 V4.1
Kermal version: kidult@ubuntu #14
Build # FR85B

If anyone can help me, with any info on how to update this tablet or just get it to work, I would be greatful.

Thanks for your time.
I have recently got a nameless 7" device off eBay that looks a lot like something sold as a Maipad MX19S but without the camera. It is currently in limbo between me and the agent who is sending me a replacement...

The seller is not an agent, I take it. Maybe a disappointed jerk trying to offload his scrubby kit onto a sucker? In the meantime, keep checking the forums and Net for tablets that are similarly specced to yours and maybe even have had someone modding for them.

Also keep looking for app stores on the Net that are more relaxed (and dangerous?) and will d'load stuff for you to transfer to your tablet. There are tips on installing Google Apps on non-kosher kit, too.