anyone know how to file transfer files from PC via WiFI to Acer A501???


Nov 15, 2011

Sorry if the answer to my Q is here somewhere but I cant find it!

We are a plumbing company and have purchesed 5 Acer Iconia Tabs - The concept was to have them on site and if the tradies need to look up plans on a job it can be looked up - these include PDF files and word documents. I have manged to down load them via the USB but I was wondering if anyone knew of an easier option where the file could be updated via the office Wifi when the devices where bought back into the office each day.

We didnt want to have them connected to Wifi on the road as they wont get used often enough. I had loaded "Drop BOX"but realise its only good if connected to wifi on site.

If anyone out there can help it would be grealty appreciated!


Frustrated !!!!! :mad:
I don't understand why dropbox won't work for your needs? Drop necessary files into dropbox. Connect all tabs to office wi-fi at close of buisness each day, and docs sync to all 5 tabs ready for next day. What's the problem? There's no need for wi-fi connect on the job site.
I use dropbox nearly every day and your situation seems like the perfect application for dropbox. Each morning before head-out to the job site, have your guys or gals check the tabs dropbox folder and ensure the updated files are there. Wait, you don't have dropbox installed on just one machine and you think everyone else must log onto dropbox website are you? Make sure Dropbox is INSTALLED on every tab and you should be golden.
OK, I was so befuddled by this, that I actually started dropping pdf docs into my dbox to see if I could duplicate your issue. I'm thinking you're not syncing your tablet UNTIL you get to the job site. Yeah, OK, you would need wifi at the site to pull this off. Sync all your tablets in the office BEFORE you set out for your job sites and you shouldn't have any issues. Oh and make sure all 5 tabs and PC are linked to the same dropbox account.
hey thanks for your replies . I have loaded "Drop Box"" onto all 5 tablets - and the drop box info appears on all 5 while they are within the office. What I dont understand is how to sync or download the info that is in the drop box (on the tablet) folder onto each tablet.SO when the guys are on site they can look up whats been put there. ....I know you will read this and think its dumb but I dont get it !

So I want to save the files I place in the Drop box Files on each tablet - lol I never thought this could be so stressfull..
You really don't have to use a cloud based server to let your employees access files via WiFi on your office server. You can do that with ES File Explorer (and other apps from the market). If they are connected to the network and shares are available they can browse to the files they want and copy them to their tablets.

Another option is to email the docs to the worker. If Joe needs schematic #12 for his job tomorrow e-mail that schematic to Joe and in the body of the e-mail remind him to DL the attached file to his tablet before leaving the office. If you are using PDFs these can be mailed with Gmail and read with Adobe Reader. For office type documents you will need one of the office suites for Android.

Whatever method you use you will need to train your employees in how to use it and make sure they get in the habit of getting the documents they need before they leave the office.
A note about email, it is not secure. I sync 3 devices with Drop Box with few problems. I suggest a couple of play days before depending entirely on it.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
There are alternative methods for sure, but since you have already taken the time to load dropbox on all 5 tablets, there is no reason you can't make this work with the least amount of effort. Your issue really is just understanding dropbox. Open your dropbox folder, pick an already existing sub-folder (music, photos, public, video) or create a new folder ("Schematics" for example), move the file you want everyone to have into the sub-folder that you picked (or created.) As long as everyone is connected to wi-fi (in office or abroad), that new file will show up in all of the other tablet's dropbox folders. Nothing to sync, no special instructions. It just happens. As long as all of the tablets are linked to the same dropbox account. Just play with it, you'll see what I'm talking about. Don't stress, half of the fun is in the learning. What I think is funny is, if you linked me to your dropbox account, what ever I put in my dropbox would show up on all of your tablets and your PC (and vice versa.)