apad irobot 1.6


Dec 6, 2010
hello, i bought an apad irobot 1.6 v1.8.2 -2.6.29 kernal version model generic.
updated to 1.9 all went in now its stuck on screen? can only switch on and off,
what to do now--any help please. 16crimbo
Hello 16crimbo:

For android related problems, you've come to the right place. I suggest you go to this section to explain what kind of problem you are experiencing with your aPad iRobot 1.6.

Hopefully some of the experienced members of this forum will be able to help you through your aPad problem. I know it's such a pain in the butt having a tablet and having problems. Don't fear though, i'm sure you will get it resolved!
;)thankyou feverhost ill check it out. another question my apad wont go on all i see is green light when i switch it on? while it was starting up i took my sd card out??any more help please. 16crimbo
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