aPAD MID RK2808-A / Dead / Please HELP


Dec 15, 2010
Hello ,

I`ve "updated" my apad a fey days ago, but , before do this I didn't read on the net about the process.... just downloaded RKAndroid DM 1.2 and a random update.img
It gave me an error when I hit the update button (I dont remeber it...it was like.. " reboot in... " something like this) and then I`ve plugged out of my computer and tried to turn on but no response.
Right now the apad can't be detected by computer . It's dead . I`ve tried all button combination.
I have searched google , I have found the needle solution but the apad motherboard is different and I cant do that .
Here are some pics with the motherboard:


Anyone , solutions ?
Please help me , I want my apad back

Thanks !
The Rockchip have a boot image in its chip, can not been rewrite, and you can try connect the USB, and press a button(I am no sure which button in this model), power up the device, the computer will detect something USB pulged in, and that mean this device could be upgrade. And you can use the Rockchip upgrade tool to download the kernel and system. If you still have problem, you can contact with me, my MSN: [email protected] Good luck!
Thank you for the reply
I have tried all combination of buttons but my aPAD is not recognized by the PC . It can't be detected .
Any ideeas ?