Apads bad press???


Aug 3, 2010
Hi, I bought an Apad a little while ago. At first I found it a little frustrating trying to use the screen scrolling options and found it quirky but like anything...learning how to use it is the key to success. I calibrated the screen a few times. It seemed to get more responsive each time and within a few days of constant playing and firmer pressure when scrolling, I fell in love with it. I sent it back because I bought it on Ebay with the description of it having webcam..which it didn't. I've ordered another one, paying a lot more for an upgraded version with more memory and features. I'm that sure of this gizmo!! I missed it like crazy when it went back and am counting the days till the newer version "Paddy" arrives. I loved it. Kinda like when you got your first computer guys..remember back that far???? It drove you crazy...right?!?!? Now you're a whizz. Same with the Apad, its a learning curve. Hang in there and learn about it before you go bad-mouthing the fantastic little invention please....you're turning a lot of people off a brilliant device! ;):rolleyes:
Interesting, but after reading all that I have no idea what you have :D
Hey Xaueious, you wouldn't work for Apple would you..ha ha ha! No, honestly...I love it!
I bought my pad last week on a trip to China - it has 1.6 / 1.7.4 - is there any wayy to upgrade? it works fine except app market stalls on upload so I've been loading apps from other sites
Ya there's a way to upgrade.

App market doesn't work initially. There's a rather tricky workaround for it. Slatedroid has info for you right now...
I'm using the v1.7.4 firmware, there were a few hassles downloading from the market. It kept loading to start downloading but never did. One of my friends bought an apad and is having a few hassles with it with the wifi not picking up well, maybe I was just lucky. I get my new version Wednesday hopefully so will give a second opinion of the little gizmo.