[APK] Komik Reader - CBR/CBZ Comic Reader for Tablets


May 13, 2011
Hi all,

I am a long time lurker, first time poster (software engineer by trade - artist and ux/ui afficianado). I wanted to announce the launch of my app - Komik. It is a CBR/CBZ reader (soon to be pdf and jpg reader) that is designed from the ground up for tablets. To preface, I was disappointed with the quality of comic book readers on the market, which is a shame because the Xoom, with its aspect ratio, is THE perfect comic book reader (honestly, the aspect ratio lends to almost zero unused space) Most of the other comic book apps are either designed for the phone or are very unpolished. I wanted a reader that did a better job of showcasing my collection. I got some feedback from xda, and I would love to here from you guys as well.

Here is the market listing: market link

Komik is the first comic/manga viewer and collection manager designed specifically for Android tablets. We are currently rapidly developing Komik and would love to hear any suggestions from you.

* CBR and CBZ comic support
* Comic collection browser with thumbnails
* Page thumbnails to quickly scan through comics
* Continuous bookmarking for all comics
* Gracefully handles dual-spread pages
* Easily zoom into pages

WHATS NEXT V1.10: (based features requested)
* Better zoom quality
* JPG comic support
* PDF comic support
* More prebuffering for CBRs to improve speed
* Support for cover.jpg in directories
* Right to left mode

* Dual page mode
* Quick links from the reader
* Night time mode
* Search across your entire collection
* Collection browser filtering to find the comics you want faster
* A homescreen widget to quickly jump to your comics

Thanks for reading, and sorry if I have offended anyone with a shameless plug. This is not my fulltime job, I am just excited of having my first app on the market :D
This is a great app and thank you for writing it. I'm here to offer some constructive criticism because I wish to help you make it better.

Recently on 2 separate occasions on 2 different xooms, I have had this application lockup, and literally force a shutdown of the android OS. To the point where we thought our Xooms had died because normal methods of turning them on were NOT working.

We had to do the turn on methods discussed here:
Android Forums at Android Central
again, this happened quite separately on 2 different xooms, while using Komik to view comics.

I will say I can pinpoint a common "issue" of a comic that it seems to have happened on. We were both reading through Y: The Last man when it happened, around issue 39-44 somewhere. (I can upload these specific issues somewhere so you can test to see if you get the same error)

This may help you pinpoint the issue; additionally help write better error condition handling into Komik.

***Edit, additional information here. The aforementioned comics that seem to crash the Xoom through Komik , view fine on a PC through the various cbr/cbz comic book readers available (Comic Rack is what I primarily use)
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Komik Reader is a great app , I Use it .

I have the XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro Drawing Tablet With Screen for making comics , and I totally prefer drawing directly on a Monitor. it support pen pressure and pen tilt function , it's amazing and I’ve had a good experience with it .