Apple's Claim in Germany Against Samsung's 2nd Tab, the Galaxy Tab 10.1N, is Rejected


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Apple's complaints against the redesigned Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N were rejected by the judge in a German court today. Previously, Apple won an injunction barring Samsung from selling the original Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany, but Samsung came back with a slightly redesigned look. That didn't satisfy Apple's lawyers so they filed a second lawsuit to block it as well; however, this new version apparently was enough to satisfy the German courts. Judge Johanna Brueckner-Hofmann told the court today,

“According to the court’s assessment, the defendant has moved away sufficiently from the legally protected design.”

A final ruling from the court is expected to handed down on February 9th on the issue. There was a bit of humor to go along with this story. Apparently, when Apple decided to drag Samsung back into court a second time, the court forced Apple to make detailed suggestions to Samsung in order to differentiate the two tablets. According to a quote from SlashGear, this was Apple's "suggestions":

When it comes to smartphones, Apple suggests Samsung to design devices that do not have a front surface that is black, do not have a shape that is rectangular or do not have rounded corners, and that the front surface should have substantial adornment as opposed to a sleek clean surface.

Tablets should also not be rectangular or not have rounded corners. They should have thick frames with a front surface that doesn’t lie entirely flat. Also, the profiles should not be thin and the interface should have a cluttered appearance.

So, Apple wants Samsung to make fat, wide, ugly, cluttered products, and that will be okay then. Hmmm... <sniff, sniff> What's that smell? Something stinks...

Source: SlashGear
Image Source: LatestDigitals
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Just maybe if Apple spent more time and money on product development, they would not have the time or desire to sue everyone. As we all are familiar with Steve Jobs controlling nature, he hated Android with a passion. These crazy lawsuits are getting rediculous!!!! Apple needs to concentrate on the release of their new Ipad3, and quit screwing around. In actuallity, no amount of design change by Apple competitors will ever satisfy Apple. The fact of the matter is simple, Apple does not like competition.