Apps MIA


Mar 13, 2011
Ok, maybe I screwed up but not sure where. I seem to be losing apps. Yesterday, I completed a complete backup using Titanium Backup. I just purchased Mybackkup Pro and wanted to compare features. So I did another backup with mybackup pro. Upon completion, when I return to my apps, there are missing apps everywhere. I am using link2sd to free up space (have 1.6 gig for app space). I can restore apps from TI but seems that apps are disapearing at random from the home screen or losing their link. Have I overlooked something or could there be issues with my partition for link2sd? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Losing what little hair I have left.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum
Since the issue started after you installed mybackuppro that would be the first thing I would check. Maybe uninstall it, reboot and make sure all your files are linked again and see what happens. That software could be breaking the links.
Going to try that. Having to restore apps from titanium and relink is a bit of a pain. Another rather odd behavior is that during a restore of backups from ti, I get low memory/restore space and I know there is plenty of room for the apps even without linking. Start with 120 meg available and try to restore about 40 meg but have to alternate back to link each file before proceeding. This behavior is becoming a bit irritating. I am going to continue to research this one as I have not heard of anyone else having the problem. At least I havent broken anything I cant fix. Thanks for the input.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum
I'm curious if this was the issue, because we might want to warn people of the possible problems of using these two apps together.

Update on thw missing apps. Removed android assistant and mybackup pro and the link issue seems to have stopped. No more broken links with link2sd. Not sure which app caused the issue but it seems to have been resolved. Android assiatant had a power boost option which frees up ram at startup. Perhaps that app caused the issue but was not taking chances. Thanks to Titanium backup, I was able to recover everything. In the future, I will check out new apps with an eye on conflicts. I am used to linux systems which check dependancies and inform you of potential conflicts.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum