Archos 101 internet tablet storage problem


Oct 15, 2012
Hello,thanks for looking, i recently brought an archos 101 internet tablet 16gig , the memory size on a cheap tablet is what swayed my purchase, but after downloading a few apps and not even using 2 of the 16 gigs it tells me the tablet is low on memory????, i doing something wrong or is there a way to increase the spare storage?
Android has three areas that share the total on board memory.

1. System. This contains the OS and the files necessary for Android to run and is usually takes up between 3-4GB of space.

2. Apps/data. This is where apps are installed and the apps store their data. This ranges in size depending on the device and how the manufacturer setup Android for their hardware. It is not uncommon to see as little as 1GB allocated for this purpose which can quickly fill and cause the issue you are seeing.

3. User. The remainder of the available space after 1 and 2 are allocated is for the users files. This is where you can store pictures, downloads, books, music and any other files.

In some cases it is possible to reallocate between items 2 and 3 by repartitioning the internal memory. This can give you a better balance of usable space or you can dedicate it all to #2 if you plan on having apps with no personal files or placing personal files on an SD card (if your devices supports one). Try searching for your device name and including "repartition" to see if it is something you may be able to change.
