Archos 101 screen viewing angle


Nov 27, 2010
I just bought and returned Viewsonic G-Tablet, its great but disoppointed to see that it has really bad screen viewing angles.How are the viewing angles on Archos 101 as compared to g-tab?? i know it would be a downgrade.But please let me know ur opinions on this. I want to have something right now untill galaxy tab 10 shows up this summer.
It really depends on perspective in my opinion. I have held a number of tabs. NONE, in my opinion offer superior screen displays. This is in comparison to a well known comparison. I think the reason is sourcing. I have a 101/16 and am very pleased. But, if you are expecting Plasma or continuous HD capability even from a 30 degree angle, then you will be disappointed.
The tweaks to the display can make a HUGE difference. I like old silents. These are Black and white and more black than white. I do notice the wires in the screen if I am really looking for them, but do not see them at all in any Angry Birds or Anime I am watching. Angle of view is best at a +-30degree view from center and acceptable as much as +-45 degrees from center.
I own both tablets.. the Archos has a similar viewing angle as the Gtab... but it's in the inverse.. with the Gtab the best viewing angle is straight on or just over tilted with the bottom away... I just turn it upside down when i can.. and the Archos has a very similar angle but is in the inverse... it's best viewed from the perspective of kicked back on the stand or just tilted back when hand held...

from a hardware perspective though.. the Gtab whipes the Archos every time...
thanks you both above posters for the advice, so both devices got same kind of screen. Thats really puts me off from Archos as well.Basically im looking to get a tablet with USB host port functionality so that i can play video clips from usb drives.And G-tab and archos 101 were the only ones i found here in US. I do not want to go with cheap china clone tablets.
Are there any other good tablets that i dont know about with this usb functionality and good viewing angles.?
i had the archos 101 for 3 months and these are the problems i observed :

- device freezes sudenly ( even after full reinitialization )
- battery takes 4 days or more to fully charge
- keyboard hard to use because of the time between typing a character and appearing
on the screen
- camera has horrible imaging quality
- after installing some apps it became extremely slow .... impossible to use
- operating system become unstable after using youtube ( even after full
reinitialization )
- non-responsive touch screen ( really exasperating )
- grid lines in screen
- high glossy screen , is hard to see anything with or without light ( the viewing
angle is too narrow )
- sometimes unit reboot by itself
- bad memory configuration , with 256 mb will never work fine ( is like having a pc
i7 with 1gb ram ).

conclusion :
bad engineering design, it can be a good toy for a children under 3 years old .... i
lost 373 bucks
That answer my question i was gonna ask "How much memory it comes with"
I was gonna get one from Walmart for $280 with 16gb.

i had the archos 101 for 3 months and these are the problems i observed :

- device freezes sudenly ( even after full reinitialization )
- battery takes 4 days or more to fully charge
- keyboard hard to use because of the time between typing a character and appearing
on the screen
- camera has horrible imaging quality
- after installing some apps it became extremely slow .... impossible to use
- operating system become unstable after using youtube ( even after full
reinitialization )
- non-responsive touch screen ( really exasperating )
- grid lines in screen
- high glossy screen , is hard to see anything with or without light ( the viewing
angle is too narrow )
- sometimes unit reboot by itself
- bad memory configuration , with 256 mb will never work fine ( is like having a pc
i7 with 1gb ram ).

conclusion :
bad engineering design, it can be a good toy for a children under 3 years old .... i
lost 373 bucks
Keep in mind two critically important facts about Archos right now.
1. The G9 101 series is right around the corner, the Gen8 devices are currently dropping in price dramatically since Dec 2010. The 101/16 will likely be under $250US very soon
2. There was a problem firmware and some QA issues which created ill will like Luchoe experienced. The 101 I have had since December and it is a daily use device and is still going strong. I do plan to get the G9 101-G9/250gb as it will fully suit my needs.

That stated. Luchoe's experience can be found with every other Tablet, whether dating back to Microsoft CE through IPad to Android Tablets. The glories of the Internet allows everyone to shout to the world the problems they had with their unit. I am still happy. Luchoe was not.

That answer my question i was gonna ask "How much memory it comes with"
I was gonna get one from Walmart for $280 with 16gb.
I use my 101 every day too, and I think I might be in line for a G9 as soon as they come out.

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