Archos 70 with Broken LCD


Jan 28, 2011
My son stepped on his Archos 70 in the middle of the night a couple nights ago. The LCD is cracked and it is not unusable. Anyone know where I can get a replacement and try to repair it myself?
You can call Archos customer service.. they'll tell you over the phone an aproximation of the cost to repair. Their # is listed here....

At least you have a reason for yours not working. Mine simply likes to reboot OVER and OVER and OVER, and when it is done rebooting, that is simply because it is frozen. Such a nice system. About to call Archos support myself.
Heck it will not even stay alive long enough to update the firmware...I am so tempted to crack the screen myself...
I have a cracked screen and wonder if any one has changed one themselves. Nice system but very fragile screen.
i`ve had my archos 70 tablet for 2 weeks and the screen cracked today whilst updating my facebook status, all i was doing was typing. my tablet is going back to the shop tomorrow!