Archos a70 250gb issues?


Mar 15, 2011
Hi I'm new here. I've had my a70 for about a week.. and overall it is great.
Got rid of appslib and put the regular market on it. Which was my main complaint with it.
I am running into an issue though...
Some of my apps are disappearing from my main list of apps, and the shortcut image on the homescreen for them are gone to a generic android looking icon. If I click on the generic icon, I can still get to the app, but that is only if I have previously saved the item to the homescreen. I am screwed if It was just in the main apps listing.
And so far I have only noticed it with 2 apps (angry birds and angry birds seasons)..
But that doesn't mean something has gone missing from my main listing, that wasn't on my homescreen.
I tried reformatting the whole tablet and starting from scratch, and it did it again.

Something completely separate - Slacker radio doesn't work on this thing at all.

Any suggestions would be much welcomed.

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Welcome to the weird wacky world of the changing Angry Birds Icon (Original and Seasons). I get the same thing on my 101/16.(Not with the Latest version,yet) The only thing I can think of is that if it cannot get a network connect every so often, it goes generic. It is either that or when coming out of Deep Sleep, it does not put the icons back. Either way, I can start Angry Birds OK. It just is a bit scary the first time it happened to me. Now I just ignore it.
On Slacker Radio, there are some radio apps which I found I had to install an old version, then the newer version worked. I do not use Slacker. I use TunedIn anymore. I dropped Pandora and a couple others due to drops for no apparent reason. I had good signal, it was like the app said Times up, reload.
Hey gurgle, have you heard of anyone successfully voiding their warranty and upgrading the ram in the 101?
I don't mind the icon itself being funny.. but on my apps listing page angry birds COMPLETELY disappears...
i have been thinking of rooting it and going to honeycomb.. but im not sure...

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Hey gurgle, have you heard of anyone successfully voiding their warranty and upgrading the ram in the 101?

Not unless you know how to mod a microcircuit board. The RAM, CPU,GPU and other items are all on one wafer. It is not like a PC Notebook in any way. This is the next gen where everything is on one or two chips. The RAM is the RAM is the RAM. There is no way to upgrade. What some FW modders do is update the config to expand the SWAP or similar. But that is it.

There is no real build yet for Honeycomb. Just Proof of concept for the Archos Series. Be Patient, there will be a more stable community Honeycomb build once there is a factory release by some of the other single core manufacturers.