Archos Arnova 10 Tablet stuck on error message- HELP


May 17, 2011
I get an error message:The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectely. Please try again"
Force Close

I click on Force Close and it just pops back up. I powered off, then it just comes back when I power back on. Help me get past this- not sure what stopped unexpecedly.
I received the same error message too on my new Arnova 10 unit, couldn't get rid off it from screen and couldn't use the unit. Need help from someone badly !!! Thank you in advance.
does anyone know if there is a way to reload the Arnova unit just like it came out from factory ? They should give you a CD for reloading the system.
These units are so new. You should be able to return for exchange. And/or call Archos support. Visit for details on how to get support.
:mad:I have the same message. At firts I could push it and it would pop back up and now i can't even click force close - it's just stuck there.
ouch that sucks guys. Sounds like a bad batch. I would do as gurgle said and give archos a call
guys i have the same problem.the tablet stuck and i can't do anything.only logo appearence and nothing else.any ideas ?please help !!!
HI. I bought an arnova and a few days later it gets broken and stayed on "ARNOVA...ARNOVA" I could resolve it. If you even need help tell me and i could tell you how i did, althought i did not remember so good i would try :D
I fought this error for about 4 days. After reading several forums I had enough info to correct the issue.
  1. Download the firmware from the Arnova web site ARNOVA
  2. Connect the tablet to the PC via USB, avoid using a USB Hub. Sometimes the Hub causes the PC not to recognize the tablet. The tablet will display as a Drive on your PC (Arnova 10)
  3. Copy the .img file to the root of the tablet
  4. While closing the message “android.process.acore” which pops up every second, I scroll down the top bar (hose icon on top left corner)
  5. Select the Turn Off USB Storage
  6. The tablet recognized the image file (step 3) and a message to update the firmware came up
  7. Select install firmware
The table booted and installed the firmware. Now I have the tablet back in business.
Note: All this process was done while fighting the “android.process.acore” stopped unexpectedly, force close.
HI. I bought an arnova and a few days later it gets broken and stayed on "ARNOVA...ARNOVA" I could resolve it. If you even need help tell me and i could tell you how i did, althought i did not remember so good i would try :D

Hey man,

I was wondering how you got to fix the problem with the device staying on the arnova screen.
I pressed the power and volume up buttons while stuck on the Arnova screen, held them in for about thirty seconds, nothing happened so I set it down. Came back a few moments later and it had the option of resetting it to factory condition. It reset itself. Hope this helps you guys.
My brick is so bad my computer does not recognize it as anything and I can't reinstall firmware. I tried downloading to an sd card but the tablet doesn't recognize it.
mine did the same as iray3502's did when i fist got it ..... and it was stuck like that for over a week.... i had to keep resetting it and hitting "try again" and hit the fist X on the calibration and after basically hitting both a millisecond apart it went to normal so i could load the update img from arnova..... that was back in july
sense then i did the kasty-arn-10-21-02 Ver 2.1 cfw/root.... it makes the tablet better then the stock ofw but its still crap ...... right now in use the kasty-arn10-22-05 Ver 2.2 cfw/root and its the shizzle forreal even tho it lost the camera function and the video rec function.....