archos loading of 2.2 ... help please


Jan 4, 2011
per the instructions i picked up on this board, i downloaded the 2.2 firmware per the forum and installed it on my computer. i then copied the file ...firmware_archos_android_gen8.aos ... to root of the archos 70. so far , so good..
however, when i clicked on " files" in the archos ... per instructions ...
the archos instructed me to plug the power cord it to start the start the update , it's been about 45 min. and the following words still appear on the archos "do not unplug power cable during update ... i see nothing to indicate update progress ... is 45+ too long for the update , i suspect the archos is frozen ??? any thoughts?? thanks
i plulled power cord, rebooted and it seems to be taking the update, we'll see