Archos......which one?


Feb 17, 2011
Hey guys! Im glad to be a new member here. I currently own a Woow Digital i-7u. Im somewhat satisfied....but I really want something a little better and less buggy. I had my eye on some Archos tablets but haven't found much feedback to them. I liked the look of the 7 inch Archos 70 tablet.

What Archos tablets do you guys have and what do you think are solid releases by archos? I noticed some people said their 250HDD version of the tab had freezing tendencies? I would probably go with the flash memory one anyways. thoughts? Im open to all of these tablets although I would prefer a 7 inch model with a capacitive screen. Thanks!!
Currently I use the Archos 101 with 16GB of internal memory installed and I must say it's served its purpose quite well! I've been a happy owner for roughly two or three months now, and I definitely recommend it! Though I haven't used it, I do believe the Archos 70 has the same functionality, just without a standard USB port. One of my favorite things about Archos has been that they seem to do a great job with firmware updates. I know originally my tablet wasn't as stable as I would have liked, but now with the more recent firmware updates a lot of problems have been solved.
Good to know! Im glad they don't abandon their projects when they are released haha. The 101 looks great the screen decently responsive?
I would agree with Papa Pearce. I have the 101/16 as well. What I have noticed from research not personal experience. There are more 70 owners who are experiencing probs or complain than the 101. This may be due to build manufacturing QA or it may be just more 70 owners out there. I am quite happy with mine and I have used it as a full PC substitute this past weekend using a BT KB and a USB mini-mouse. I was able to write, browse and play in the same way as if I had a notebook/netbook with me. The BT KB was not a prob to carry about as it is a collapsible unit and the USB mouse is about the size of a real live mouse.
I vote for the 101. I have had it since xmas and use it mainly for web, video and ebooks. Not problems whatsoever even with the updates
Good to know! Im glad they don't abandon their projects when they are released haha. The 101 looks great the screen decently responsive?

IMHO, it's better than just decently responsive. The only response issues I've seen have been faults in software, not the screen hardware.
I have both the 70 and the 101, and admit that the 101 seems more stable. In fact, it has not rebooted on it's own -ever. While this appears to be a common occurrence with the A70. I basically followed the same upgrade procedure with both units, but have not used as readers yet. The video playback of the two cannot be compared since as I mentioned, the 101 has yet to reboot itself, while the A70 cannot seem to play a ripped file (same exact file used for both units) to completion without rebooting.
The graphics of the A70 are superior in my estimation, with far better off axis quality. I am hoping that with some tweaking the A70 will be as solid as the 101 is.

These are just my experiences with both units.
I admit to being a novice. I don't have a table yet but am seriously considering buying the 101 in the next few days. I've seen some posts about upgrading and customizing and am wondering if these processes will be challenging to a new tablet user. I'm very familiar and comfortable with Google apps. If I run into problems or need guidance, can I come here?
There are honestly two major forums for Archos. Androidtablets and Archosfans. This one does a good job in general issues. But hardcore Archos users will find support at Archosfans. We are generally helpful, but have novice as well as experienced knowledge. Archosfans is dedicated, well to all things Archos. Thus, you have a choice. I have had my 101 now for 3 months and still am pleased with it's capability and functionality. However, I will say the future is changing. Honeycomb, IPad2 and Xoom are going to change the landscape.

As a reference point. Archos would have sold about 2x-3x as many units before Christmas as they did. The market was way many more buyers than units.Some 101s were selling for $100+USD over list before Christmas. Now, there is some sites increasing the price in general for +20 compared to a month ago at $299/350.
