[Article] Nook Color back in stock at bn.com


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2010
A few days ago we reported on a rumor that the Nook Color wouldn't be available for two weeks, possibly crimping Valentine's Day sales. Well, while supply at Barnes & Noble's stores remains spotty, with some stores having plenty and others having none, Barnes & Noble has now removed the "ships in two weeks" label from the buy button on its Web site. It's still listed as backordered at BestBuy.com, but it appears that you can now get the Nook Color without delay through BN.com. Some suggested the delay was due to an inventory glitch while others floated the rumor that Barnes & Noble was pulling the Nook Color out of stock to install a "fix" that would prevent people from "rooting" the device to run custom firmware that allows you to access the Android Marketplace. Some posters even claimed that a bad batch of devices shipped from China had caused the supply problems. We're not sure we'll get an answer from Barnes & Noble as....
Read more: Nook Color back in stock at bn.com | Crave - CNET

I see they are now back pedaling off their misguided article on Feb. 2nd.
There was a lot of talking and speculating and I' m sure a lot of people wanted the nook because they couldn't have it anymore... good market strategy perhaps?
You know, I went to the US yesterday, and it sucked not being able to buy 3 nook colors that I was intending to buy.

And I wasn't going to buy them because of "not being able" or anything else. I bought one for my girlfriend back in december, and 2 friends of mine and myself were going to by one because it is that good.

I went to best buy and walmart, because Laredo, TX. has no BN stores, and I even tried to buy them online and ship them to a friend in Laredo with no luck at all. (backordered everywhere).

Well, they probably just lost a couple of customers there...
If they do a great froyo update that you don't even have to root the device for it to be a "full" tablet. They would still sell us 3 one, and maybe more friends would jump in the nook bandwagon.
File this one under false alarm. Last week, the Internet was buzzing with reports that the Barnes & Noble’s Nook Color had been removed from store shelves so that the company can make it more hack-proof. The Android devs community, which have taken quite a liking to the device’s versatility and raw power, feared that the new version will make it harder or impossible for folks to root and install custom ROMs.

Of course, the company then swiftly denied the rumors — saying that the shipment of Nook Color was delayed due to some internal issues. It seems that they’re telling the truth after all — because as the Nook Color makes its return to stores, after several days of absence, one dev has confirmed that the device is still as versatile as ever.
According to the developer, the Nook Color is still as hackable as ever as well. The only visible changes seen on the Nook Color are the removal of the device’s light and proximity sensor, which once sat near the Nook logo. Other than that, you ca...
Nook Color Returns to Stores; Freedom to Run Honeycomb Intact
Haha, I thought the hole in my vinyl skin was for a light/proximity sensor...guess I was right.

Glad to hear that B&N didn't do something stupid like hobble the NC.