Asus memo pad hd 7 Google related apps always crash + google account not working


Junior Member
Dec 10, 2014
Hey guys!

I just bought an Asus memo pad hd 7 me173x tab, and tonight was the time to open the box and try it...
Aaaaand I cannot use my google account and sing in to Google+. It says "Couldn't connect to server". And Chrome, Youtube, Maps, TV and Music always crash. Gmail works through the pre-installed app. Fb messenger not working, Skype working. I did factory reset, tried a newly registered google account, but neither of them worked. Any suggestions? The machine updated to Android 4.2.2 right after the first start up...
(Wi-fi connetion okkay, and anything else work [Asus apps])

I would appriciate any kind of help, I am truly disappointed.

Thank you!
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That's a tough situation. My guess would be your router configuration or the WiFi. The only way to test out that theory would be to try another hotspot somewhere. It really does sound like a connection issue.
Thanks for the fast reply! I don't know...I have no opportunity to test it elsewhere but at home. But if I use the Asus browser, it works perfectly. I have updated all the google stuff, and i could sign in with my account to google+, but youtube, music, tv, play still crashes without any error code or message, only "XY unfortunately closed". FB Messenger says only "Something went wrong." Nothing specific. I'm strongly considering sending it back to the store, but I want to be sure about that it really malfunctions and it is not me who is an idiot and cannot operate the device....
If you did a factory reset and had issues even before anything else was installed then I would say you had a hardware problem, BUT it sounds like you have installed quite a few other apps at some point and one of those may be getting in the way.
Nope, everything was alredy on the device. As I said, the only update before the factory reset was the Android update that was automatic as wifi connection was estabilished. Google+ and other updates happened after the first factory reset...
And FB messenger was after as well. Youtube and google staff crased right after the first turn on during the date and time setting.
I found an IT guy here who takes a look at it and we check the connection issue as well, and then we'll see. Then I'll call the store helpdesk, if necessary. Thank you again the fast answers and suggestions :)