Asus TF201 Prime Charging


Nov 24, 2012
Please can somone shed some advice or help. I have noticed that recently when battery is running low i plug in charger and icon does not change ie lighening bolt through battery icon, also it seems to say not charging. Well i know it is as if i leave it it does eventually charge up abeit very slowly. May be a coinsidence but this started to happen just after last update. Has anyone else had this or found a cure. Any help appreciated.
It depends on how slowly you are getting a charge. If it's a trickle charge , which is what it sounds like, it may only be outputting 5v from the charger. I would make certain you had the correct charger because only the ASUS TF charger will output the 15v required for a proper charge. This would not have been an update issue in my experience but rather a charger issue.