Asus TF300 HDMI settings messed up after update?


Dec 23, 2012
Before the recent TF300 update I was able to plug my tablet into my tv and watch movies. The HDMI would only output to the TV and the tablet screen would stay blank vs playing on both screens. The output would also take up my whole TV and not leave black edges. Also, the home buttons and time on the bottom of the tablet do not disappear when playing the movie.

I am stuck with this not full screen view on my tv, it playing on both devices screen and the virtual buttons always on the bottom even when watching a movie.

There use to be HDMI settings to change all this but ever since this recent update all these things are broken. Does anyone have any idea's? This was one of my favorite features and now it seems completely broken.

Thanks for anyone who can help.
Apparently you aren't alone. The update did some strange things to the HDMI, (not on EVERY TF300) but it appears that ASUS may need to provide a patch.
I hope since I use my tablet for this feature a lot and now I can't even adjust the settings or have it look like I am watching a movie.
Well first of all, what is your TV's resolution? That is wholeheartedly what will decide how your stuff goes. This tablet is 720p, so if you don't have a 720p TV (say, 1080p), you're likely to have a bit of the screen chopped off. or have it not take up the entire TV space.