Asus Transformer and internet tethering


Jul 6, 2011

Would I be able to connect my iPhone 3G to the Asus Transformer and share the 3g internet connection? Either with Bluetooth or with USB through the keyboard dock?

Doesn't anyone know if I will be able to tether the two devices?
I know many of you guys think that I should just buy an android phone instead, but I already have a smartphone and I'm just not that rich. :)
I don't think the transformer has the bluetooth or USB protocols to do that. Best bet would be wifi hotspot if the phone can do it (not sure if the iPhone 3 can do that).

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using Tapatalk
The iPhone 3 can't make a wifi hotspot, so I guess that means I won't be able to be online on the go, unless I get the 3G version of the transformer.
I can tether my Asus on my Droid phone using a wireless tether app found in the app market (Phone has to be rooted for this app). Then when tethering you have to put both , the tablet and the app in bluetooth mode to connect. Is there a wireless tethering app for the iPhone and/or does your phone have to be jailbroken first?
Well, the phone comes with the ability to tether either through USB or Bluetooth, and it works fine for laptops and other computers, but I don't know whether it will work with an android tablet.
I guess I just have to buy the tablet and then find out whether I can tether or not.
you should be able to use PDANet Tablet. Download PDANet Tablet to both the tablet and iphone. It will use the the bluetooth to connect. make sure to sync both each other They don't have to show connected just make sure they are sync to show. When you turn on pdANet on the you will run it as the SERVER. Your tablet will be the client.

Works great, no rooting required on my android Infuse.


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It shoud be possible. I know someone who used their iPhone 3Gs to tether via Bluetooth to the Transformer.

The trick they figured out to get it to work (only need to do it the first time you pair) is to put the TF into Airplane Mode and then turn on Bluetooth so the TF knows to use the Bluetooth for external internet.

Heck, even after you tether to your iPhone via Bluetooth you can go into the Tethering settings and enable a WiFi hotspot for other computers to use the TF's internet connection through the iPhone Bluetooth connection.
i can confirm this much. I know that i can tether with my N9 to my other nokia tablet n810 (very old). But the asus transformer bluetooth must not support the profile for network sharing. My phone (N9) show that only one profile is supported by this device (OPP).
I am not sure which specific profile is used for tethering, but the Nokia N810 supports the followingBluetooth specification v.2.0 . +EDR (profiles supported: HID, FTP, DUN, GAP, SPP, HSP, SAP and OPP) so it must be one of these.

What Bluetooth profiles does the Asus Transformer support?
Is there a way to change the Drivers?
What bluetooth hardware does it use?
I have WiFi and Bluetooth tethering with my iPhone 4. I have never used Bluetooth with my Transformer.

To test, I put my TF in Airplane Mode.
Next I turned on my Hotspot on my iPhone
Next, I went to pair the two (had to enable bluetooth while still in Airplane Mode)
After pairing the two I tapped on the spanner wrench on my phone Bluetooth connection on the TF
There is a line under "Profiles" called "Internet Access". I tapped this line and it enabled Internet Access for this device.

Now, I am online tethered through my iPhone via Bluetooth. (WiFi is still off too)

With that said, the Transformer supports internet via Bluetooth. Now, if your phone does not, then you are out of luck.