Audio quality (with good earbuds) of Eee Pad?

Blue Proteus

Nov 24, 2010
Yikes, I've been looking at Android tablets for what seems like forever, but haven't made the move yet. Now my old MP3 player is dying, and I was originally going to just get another MP3 player.

Then I figured I might as well get a good screen, and was looking at the Cowan J3, and now we're up to $200.00 plus.
Then I'm thinking if I have a nice screen, I want WiFi, and Android apps and marketplace on it.

Then I'm looking at the Samsung Galaxy 5.0 at $239.00. So for another 70 bucks or so, I could get the 10" Eee Pad Transformer and do all kinds of Android goodness...but can it double as an MP3 player?
Anybody out there using their Asus tablet to listen to music a lot? How does the quality compare to a dedicated MP3 player?

Thanks for any suggestions...
Buying the transformer would be an excellent choice. I use it with the Sony DR-BT50 bluetooth headphones and the sound quality is excellent. These are not earbuds; they are full size headphones, but if they sound good, it says the signal comming out of the transformer is good. Therefore, the quality of your hearing device is the issue, not the transformer. If you have decent earbuds, the result should also be good. I've used the same headphones with other devices including my computer and Samsung Fascinate phone and the sound quality is comparable.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
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Thanks all, for the replies. I went ahead and got the ASUS Transformer. Man this thing is awesome.;)

Haven't yet tested audio, (having too much fun with everything else.) But since I don't consider myself an audiophile, I'm sure I'll be content with the sound. Will try both earbuds and headphones.
Nothing beats sound difference you will get with poweramp.Try the app free for two weeks and if it works for you its only 5 bucks.I use it with samsung galaxy player 5.0 but am in the market for a 10 inch pad.How did poweramp sound with Transformer pad?