Augen GENTOUCH78 on

thank you! my dad has been looking at buying a tablet for my mom, but they didn't want to spend the money so were looking at augens- I called him to tell him about this. When I got on the site the deal was still good for another hour and ten minutes. That was a few minutes ago.
My daughter recently broke her Gentouch78, so I can going to send it back... then I thought.. i'll just buy this one for only $99. Although then I decided.. i'll just pay $60 and get a tablet that is 100% better

BTW.. i'm not a big Gentouch78 fan ;)
thank you! my dad has been looking at buying a tablet for my mom, but they didn't want to spend the money so were looking at augens- I called him to tell him about this. When I got on the site the deal was still good for another hour and ten minutes. That was a few minutes ago.

I too saw the deal on 1saleaday so I bought one, it arrived this past Friday, what a learning curve! the manual is not very good, I've spent hours figuring things out, found some forums like this one which I think is the best so far, lost the SD chip inside the Augen and after slamming the device down several times on its end I had to dig it out thus breaking away some of the plastic (but now its much easier inserting and taking out the chip!) and found this thing is pretty rugged because it still works, also because I don't understand all the root stuff I found I can place the SD chip in my computer to download some apps. Maybe after a rough beginning me and my gentouch78 will get along just fine although I will be frequenting this forum alot.