auto-nooter 2.12.25 vs. auto-nooter 3.0


Mar 10, 2011
I just rooted my Nook Color 1.1 and found it rather easy as there were thankfully no issues. I followed the instructions from a video posted on youtube. I used auto-nooter-2.12.25 as opposed to auto-nooter 3. At the time I was unaware of version 3. With that said, I have no issues whatsoever with the rooted nook. What's the difference between the two builds and so should I even consider rerooting since everything is running smoothly?

Thanks for any and all replies!
I rooted 1.1 using autonooter 3.0 and afterwards, when I installed clockworkmod and rom manager, and rebooted into recovery to make a backup, I got stuck in a nasty bootloop where the device would ONLY boot into clockwork recovery. There's a fix on XDA where you then have to flash a zip that will uninstall clockwork recovery and afterwards, the system booted fine. But hoo-boy that was a mess there for awhile.

I had same experience as Matt. I had to go back to stock and I rerooted with nooter 2.12.25. Since then, no problems. I think some of problems with nooter 3.0 and CWR may be resolved with new version of CWR - but I'm not certain I'd trust it given past experience.
Thanks for the replies. So auto-nooter 3.0 installs CWR? Sounds like I may want to leave well enough alone for the time being.

Is there a thread or tutorial somewhere that explains all of the options available/ins & outs of rooted Nooks, i.e. CWR, custom ROMs, ADB, etc. For example, MazoMark's signature has phiremod nook BETA 2 (Froyo 2.2.1) ROM. What exactly does that mean? I am new to Android and find myself having to piecemeal together threads and trying to make sense of them. Which is proving to be somewhat challenging.

Thanks again.
There are no functional differences between those two versions of Autonooter. Each is made to root a different versions of the B&N software. The only issues that came about by using the autonooter 3.0 version was for those using an older version Clockworkmod Recovery. There was a specific CWR version made for the Noook COlor, which at the time we were using for B&N software 1.0, 1.0.1 and Autonooter 2.12.25. When B&N software verison 1.1 was released and followed it's root method, Autonooter 3.0, the boot code/sequence changed. So when people would use the CWR version, it would cause boot loops when creating full backups and in some cases, when CWR was installed at all. The newer CWR version 3.0.1 has been updated to include the proper boot sequences for those using B&N software 1.1 w/Autonooter 3.0 root method.
There are no functional differences between those two versions of Autonooter......

Thank you for the assistance. So is CWR something I need to install now if at all? From what I can gather it will allow you to make functional backups and bypass the 8-time reboot method if you need to restore to stock. Correct?
Azs,go to forum-nook-nook color faq and open the first thread:- you bought a nook, now what ......-you will find in one place all the answers to your questions and wellcome to the forum.
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Azs,go to forum-nook-nook color faq and open the first thread:- you bought a nook, now what ......-you will find in one place all the answers to your questions and wellcome to the forum.

Thank you. I read thru the post. So, now that I have rooted my NC - without making a backup of the original ROM - would installing CWR serve any purpose?
There are no functional differences between those two versions of Autonooter. Each is made to root a different versions of the B&N software. The only issues that came about by using the autonooter 3.0 version was for those using an older version Clockworkmod Recovery. There was a specific CWR version made for the Noook COlor, which at the time we were using for B&N software 1.0, 1.0.1 and Autonooter 2.12.25. When B&N software verison 1.1 was released and followed it's root method, Autonooter 3.0, the boot code/sequence changed. So when people would use the CWR version, it would cause boot loops when creating full backups and in some cases, when CWR was installed at all. The newer CWR version 3.0.1 has been updated to include the proper boot sequences for those using B&N software 1.1 w/Autonooter 3.0 root method.

The ROM manager from the market installs CWR 3.0.1 now, correct? If the issue with Autonooter 3.0 is resolved in this version, a CWR backup should be a good test for the boot loop problem, right? A noob question: can I use my "regular" data/media SD card that's in there right now to perform the CWR backup? Do I have to create a specific folder for it, or CWR will automatically create it under the root of SD? Later, I can transfer the backup file to my PC and to my "backups and zips only" emergency SD. Thanks!
The ROM manager from the market installs CWR 3.0.1 now, correct? If the issue with Autonooter 3.0 is resolved in this version, a CWR backup should be a good test for the boot loop problem, right? A noob question: can I use my "regular" data/media SD card that's in there right now to perform the CWR backup? Do I have to create a specific folder for it, or CWR will automatically create it under the root of SD? Later, I can transfer the backup file to my PC and to my "backups and zips only" emergency SD. Thanks!

Not in my experience. I used Autonooter 3.0 and then installed ROM manager and let it install CWR and had the same issue as MazoMark and Matt. I was just glad I had made a CWR bootable uSD to get me back to stock.

What is the advantage of using CWR within ROM manager vs. a bootable CWR uSD to make a backup? Planning for now to keep my NC simply rooted.

By the way I really love my NC and it's functionality!!
Thank you. I read thru the post. So, now that I have rooted my NC - without making a backup of the original ROM - would installing CWR serve any purpose?

Let me redirect you if you want to install CWR : NOok-sticky:NOOK color useful links and FAQ. Check third link from button: install custom roms....
I personally didn't install it but that' s who I am:I live for the present and I like to resolve problems not to prevent them.
But I only rooted my nook, pretty safe. Just enjoy your root., check all the things you can do and if you want to try froyo or all the other things all our mods are trying on their nook, you'll needCWR,you need to be able to back up
The ROM manager from the market installs CWR 3.0.1 now, correct? If the issue with Autonooter 3.0 is resolved in this version, a CWR backup should be a good test for the boot loop problem, right? A noob question: can I use my "regular" data/media SD card that's in there right now to perform the CWR backup? Do I have to create a specific folder for it, or CWR will automatically create it under the root of SD? Later, I can transfer the backup file to my PC and to my "backups and zips only" emergency SD. Thanks!

Try not to confuse the two, there is surrent versions Clockworkmod Rom Manger and Clockworkmod Recovery 3.0.1. CWM recovery can be installed to internal mem or SD card. Most people install it internally and use a bootable sSD card installed version to fix major problems, sort a failsafe version for emergencies. Autonooter 3.0 useres should use the most current versions of both rom manger and recovery. The CWM rom manger can be update through the market and if you already have CWM recovery installed internally, you will need to manually update it with , place on root of your SD card and flash in CWM recovery as if it were a rom file.

For making backups see here:

You backup and backup folder can be copied from your SD card to on your pc. Many of us do that for safe keeping.
Thank you. I read thru the post. So, now that I have rooted my NC - without making a backup of the original ROM - would installing CWR serve any purpose?

Purpose of CWR is to make backups, restore backups, and install/flash new roms, custom kernels (like overclocking and more). So there are plenty of reasons to install it. It's of course your choice to either install to the eMMC or just use a bootable CWR card. There is now a bootable version of the latest CWR which I will post a link for in a moment.

The ROM manager from the market installs CWR 3.0.1 now, correct? If the issue with Autonooter 3.0 is resolved in this version, a CWR backup should be a good test for the boot loop problem, right? A noob question: can I use my "regular" data/media SD card that's in there right now to perform the CWR backup? Do I have to create a specific folder for it, or CWR will automatically create it under the root of SD? Later, I can transfer the backup file to my PC and to my "backups and zips only" emergency SD. Thanks!

Yes, if you have the latest ROM Manager (v3.0.1.2) it should flash the latest CWR (v3.0.1.0) but it can't install the recover kernel (different from the overclocking kernel) so a manual install is still required to get CWR completely updated. The latest CWR should NOT have the 1.1 bootloop issue anymore, correct. You can use your "regular" sd card and CWR will create the folders for the backup itself. Moving them to your pc is simple, the folders are: ../clockworkmod/backup/date-time-of-backup

What is the advantage of using CWR within ROM manager vs. a bootable CWR uSD to make a backup? Planning for now to keep my NC simply rooted.

Personal preference, I like the internal for quick and easy, always available backup/restore. I like the bootable SD for it's ability to save me when I can't use the internal cause I messed something up too badly. :) Which a tinkerer is apt to do.

Try not to confuse the two, there is surrent versions Clockworkmod Rom Manger and Clockworkmod Recovery 3.0.1. CWM recovery can be installed to internal mem or SD card. Most people install it internally and use a bootable sSD card installed version to fix major problems, sort a failsafe version for emergencies. Autonooter 3.0 useres should use the most current versions of both rom manger and recovery. The CWM rom manger can be update through the market and if you already have CWM recovery installed internally, you will need to manually update it with , place on root of your SD card and flash in CWM recovery as if it were a rom file.

For making backups see here:

You backup and backup folder can be copied from your SD card to on your pc. Many of us do that for safe keeping.

I'm quoting Rico because the manual install of CWR is required in order to make it work correctly... and I can't emphasize that enough.