battery issue


Dec 14, 2011
hi guys, im newbie for tab user. im using tab 10.1.

juz wanna know how long is normal battery took to fully charged? Mine took 4hours n sumtimes more than that.
is it normal?

if hav any tips to share on saving battery? Nice if could share.

thnk u in advance :)
I will say in my personal testing, I found that the Galaxy's charge time was the longest of any of the different tablets I used. We do have several threads on saving battery, but basically, turn on Auto-brightness, turn on Airplane Mode and then only turn on the Network access type you need (WiFi or 3g/4g depending on device type), and only use BT if you need it.

Other than that, battery and power management is MUCH improved in Honeycomb compared to Gingerbread and Froyo.
ohh ok. thnx for the quick reply. btw, u were saying bout the updates, mine is android 3.1.. is it advisable to update the software?