Battery life advice


May 10, 2011
Little tip here. I take my tab to work for reading on breaks, where there are many wifi routers to conncect to - but they are either out of range or password protected. So if I leave my wifi radio on at work, it tries to connect all day while it's sitting in my briefcase- decimating the battery - so that it is down to 5 or 10 percent when I get home. But if I turn the wifi radio off while at work (since it can't connect to a strong enough signal for internet anyway) my battery will be about 80 percent when I get home. Obviously this is a huge differences for me - so now I always turn off the wifi radio when I go to work. Hope this helps.

Sent from my A100 using Android Tablet Forum
Good idea. If you put an airplane mode widget on your home screen, you can turn it on and off with a single tap.[/QUOTE

And turn off Background Data in Settings->Accounts & Sync and Auot Sync applications to stop all your apps from looking for auto-updates and auto-syncing updates
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Great tips. I just got my A100 and plan to carry it in places where there is no WiFi. This will help. Thanks
Glad I could help. I encourage everyone else to be proactive in the community and share tips, advice, good tablet apps, or serious issues. Thanks to all who provided tips and advice... lovin my Acer tab!

Sent from my A100 using Android Tablet Forum
Yeah, I do that too. But I just click the clock in the corner, notification area and change it. And won't turning on airplane mode also disable the background data?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
I don't know why, but the other day I was out of my WiFi area and was on my Acer when I noticed the airplane in the task bar. I had not placed it in airplane mode either. When I returned home it connected to my WiFi right away without doing anything. Is there an auto setting for airplane that I may have not-knowingly set? If so then this is a great feature.
for that to work its easy.... turn on AIRPLANE mode then connect to your connection u use at home. when out of range of the connection, it will then fully activate AIRPLANE mode. when back in range it will auto re-connect. i find it a cool feature because i have not yet found a problem with the battery life at all..... i charge when i sleep or when i get home... sometimes im out all day then go by my friend's house an we take turns on the games i have installed (about 5 of us), even when i find a hotspot im online all the time. I have also noticed a WI-FI disconnect policy in my settings but never changed it from the state it was which is NEVER... maybe changing it to disconnect when screen off would be better suited for you guys.