Battery on Cruz T301 ?


Aug 24, 2010
I read that it was 10+ hours and 24 hour stand by.

However, yesterday I unplugged it at 7:20 am. It sat in my purse until Lunch when I played a half hour TV show (okay 24 minutes because no commercials), then played some games. The battery looked okay, usually on my phone it's down 10%. Although I didn't have an widget, the battery in the upper right hand corner looked fine.
Around 3pm I though I should shut it off, not just in sleep mode, so I pressed the button and the battery looked charged. I decided to see what I said when I plugged it in at home.
At 5:50pm I plugged it in and it said "charged" and the battery symbol in the upper right hand corner looked full. I know it's said 98% and 99% before (I know some time after I used wifi and downloaded a bunch of stuff) and even 70% when I first charged it. So it can't be a default. I hope.

Today I unplugged it at 6:43 am to check the manual on the device as the quick start guide didn't say anything. The manual didn't say anything either.

So I'm going to test this out. I'll watch another tv show at lunch (I need some laughter during my work day... :p) then watch a movie tonight (I have Harry Potter Half Blood Prince on my tablet and it's a long movie). If the battery in the upper right hand corner looks low, I'll plug it in, if not I'll wait until the next morning.
Then I'll plug it in tomorrow morning and see what it says. I don't have a battery indicator app widget on there, didn't think to download one.

In the meantime,
Anyone know the actual battery life of this?
Anyone know of a good battery indicator app I could put on this (preferably the .apk so I can sideload it as I have a hard time getting to a free wifi spot)?
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I just checked it because I was curious, and in stand-by it doesn't do anything, the time on mine just changed to the current time when I powered it up from sleep. So the battery must last a long time if even the clock isn't doing anything.

The battery on the top left still looks full. I did watch a short video again and played some games at lunch. I will watch the movie tonight (it's my movie night anyway) and see what will happen to the battery after that.

Unplugged ay 6:43 am
Watched 24 minute show and played some games (ETA: approximate 30 minutes total... could have been up to 40 minutes total)
Watched a 2 hour 24 minute movie.
Battery indicator looked lower so I plugged it in at 9:02 pm.

Battery at 63%.

Sent from my Droid 1 using Android Tablet Forum
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Interesting study. I've always wondered, how long, exactly my own Cruz t301's battery is. I guess it all depends on what, exactly, you are doing to your tablet as certain things can cause the battery to drain faster; wifi, video-watching/game playing all will drain the battery faster than looking at pictures or reading an e-book but I have noticed that my tablet does have a long battery life even if I decide to watch sitcoms or movies all day. Although my sister also has a Cruz t301 and she's always complaining about how it can never keep a charge longer than a half hour. I wonder, also, if there's a difference in regards to the battery and maybe other aspects not yet realized between the Cruz t301 4gb internal memory (my sister's tabet), and the Cruz t301 2gb internal memory (My tablet).
Ami, I wonder if your sister didn't charge it fully when she first got the tablet. I know most devices require a full charge before using. Although I would think a 4gb would last longer then a 2gb. Could also be a fluke on her tablet. Unforunately it happens. Does she chrage it fully before each use?

I charge mine by outlet (a serge protector). I wonder that makes a difference in battery usage. And what type of plug in.
I know on my Droid 1 (android) phone, I had tried using a generic USB plug I had bought for my last phone and it only charged it fully once, after that it didn't. I had to use the USB it came with. It was just too powerful for the generic USB plug.

Yes, what you do depends on how long it will last. I wanted to try it with a movie to see the battery go down, the first time I didn't do that.
It has a lot to do with what's running. Find the app called task killer, I am sure the amazon app store has it. It lists all the running apps at any given time and gives you the option to kill them. This keeps the devices running faster and smoother and also keep battery life up longer.

On a side note I have recently rooted my T301 and added a program that is supposed to increase or enhance the processor. I have noticed that since I have done that it runs marginally faster and the battery life is less. I can still get an easy 8-10 hour day out of it though so no worries.
It has a lot to do with what's running. Find the app called task killer, I am sure the amazon app store has it. It lists all the running apps at any given time and gives you the option to kill them. This keeps the devices running faster and smoother and also keep battery life up longer.

On a side note I have recently rooted my T301 and added a program that is supposed to increase or enhance the processor. I have noticed that since I have done that it runs marginally faster and the battery life is less. I can still get an easy 8-10 hour day out of it though so no worries.

Hello lomfs24,

I have a T301 running 2.2, I was going to give to an 11 yr old for Xmas & it froze Xmas Eve! It had happened 1-2 times before in the months prior. This is the 2nd one from Velocity, my first was under warranty. If I recall it was for the same reason. This one was a refurb which i should have been suspicious of. This one did not act up until the warranty passed! The battery life seemed amazing...I could leave it on in sleep mode for weeks. Now I know that the battery bar is not entirely accurate.

It did boot up Xmas evening, so I wondered if the battery was gone. I plugged it in & it said 99 %. It was plugged in for at least an hour, it should have gone over to 100 & it did not. I unplugged it, brought it in to play with before I went to sleep & noticed the battery bar dropped to 1/2. Wow, I had not used it that much. I noticed the time was not correct either when I had been playing with it earlier. So, Dec 26 I boot it up & the time is the same as it was when I turned it off last night.

I had already tried the task manager, it would lock up. I was going to try the ADB APK but not sure if it would help. I tried removing apps that I thought might not be compatible.

Any input would greatly be appreciated.