Bauhn USB to PC connection - any hints ?

Welcome to the forum Bill

That is a fairly common issue but with no easy answer most of the time. Does the computer see that you plugged it in at all? Are you using the cable that came with it? It is possible that some other software or security app is blocking it.

Thanks for the response

Am checking your master list and can see some possible workarounds and will try them.

The wire not working does irritate me

Neither computer can see it, am using the cable that came with it and have tried another cable, have tried on different USB ports on the computers, am not aware of any security apps common to both computers that would block it so am assuming a setting on the Tablet.

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Is there a storage setting for USB connection?
My old tablet had one.
If you aren't even getting the notification sound when you plug it in that's pretty odd. If you are getting the notification look at the tablet's screen in the notification area to see if it is asking you to change the storage option.
Pitcarver and Leeshor,

Thanks for the help.

Have used the wifi file transfer app recommended in Leeshors tips and that has got me out of trouble.

It worked extremely well. Thanks again.

Will continue to learn, and investigate your suggestions about the notifications and storage options, there was no noises or notifications when I w2as investigating things yesterday, will continue to poke around.
