BBC iplayer and Android Fusion Tablet


Jul 9, 2012
Well i'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right place, but if not maybe one of the mods would be kind enough to move. Anyway i purchased a Fusion 5 premium tablet from Amazon last week, all worked well including the BBC iplayer which worked a treat smooth as anything, the only problem with it was the Wi-fi which was very weak away from the router, so after speaking to A1CS who distribute the tablet, they supplied me with an upgrade to a Fusion premium 5 + now the Wi-fi on this is great, but it won't play the iplayer, it's jumping and buffering all over the place, and itv player isn't much better, i contacted A1CS and they told me that since the last flashplayer update the iplayer won't work properly, is this true ? I've tried downloading older versions of the flashplayer, but still no good. So does anyone here know of a fix or firmware update that might put right these issues, or is it something i just now have to live with, I've been reading a lot of bad things over the net regarding adobe flash and the iplayer not being compatible etc etc, anyway any feedback would be greatly appreciated, many thanks in advance :)