BEng(Mech) student from Aus! GTab 2 10.1


Jan 30, 2013
G'day friends!

I'm Matt, better known as Crash! I'm in 2nd year BEng and new to the world of tabs. Im very interested in rooting my tab so that I can have a good play and change up the UI. Any Eng related apps, games, books that you could throw my way would be appreciated along with other advice is always welcome. Cheers!
Hi Matt, congratulations on your new Tab 10.1 and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.

That's a really nice tablet you've got. Before trying to root it, be sure to read this:

Then, if you still want to do it, check out the threads in the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Development forum.

As far as apps are concerned, the Android Tablet Apps section of the forum would be the place to ask about apps to perform any specific task you have in mind. AFAIC recommending apps is a waste of my time and yours. What's a great app for my purposes and taste could very well be a totally useless app to you.

Searching the app stores like Appstore for Android and should enable you to locate any apps you're interested in.

Just click those links above and you'll go straight to the areas recommended. Enjoy that new tablet and the forum!
