Big problem in Viewpad 10"error 17"


Jul 9, 2011
Good day every body,
I don't know what happened to my Viewpad 10 16GB
when I turn on it it apper "error 17" and then shutdown
before it is working OK but now what is the problem? it is on Win7 or Android 2.2
can any body know the problem?pls.....
What's the date it is showing? I my gTablet would not connect with the market. The information noticed the date and ran a program to synchronization the date/time. The market then worked!

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
I noticed the wrong date. Damn tablet has a mind of its own

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
You did not understand my problem
My Viewpad 10 is NOT WORKING
It is showing"error 17" in the BIOS Screen when I run it
It is not showing select either Win7 or And 2.2
I don't change any thing in the system
For one week and I couldn't find any solution
What happen pls?
Could be repaired?
Or can I replace it from purchaser?
did you try hitting the reset button? if you already tried that, call viewsonic and see if they can help you.
Hi Aqeel
I have the same error 17 code when i try to turn on viewpad 10, did you get the problem fixed. please help !!
Hi there
Here is a solution for you both. It worked for me and here is the hint. using your recovery disch that came with the box, make a USB bootable recovery drive and reinstall the windows. This must solve the problem.
If you have not deleted any thing by will work for you both

Error 15,
using a usb key board, powerup, and hit del repeatedly until you come to the boot option screen. change the drive boot sequence...

So I am having the same Error 17 issue, and when I tried the restoration solution via making a Bootable USB drive from the Windows disk that came with my tablet I ran into this picture after it loaded up. So it seems there is no way to get back into my system... Any ideas?

I have a Viewsonic Viewpad 10.

I'm new to this board but Im having the same issue as above.

My viewpad 10 has a dual operating system windows 7 home and android 2.2.

Is it possible to just install the windows 7 operating system or windows 8 OS?

Please, I need some help!!
It doesn't sound as if others had much luck. I have an idea that you could try.

Boot up Linux from a CD, and see if you can access your files. Ubuntu Linux would work, as would most others. Linux will run directly from the booted CD, no istall needed. It should be able to access both the Windows and Android partitions
As fas as I know and correct me if I'm wrong, It's an error with GRUB.... This happens when you install/reinstall GRUB and for some reasons, GRUB's booting sequence got messed up....

There are many solutions on the web, most of them deals with using a Linux Live CD (Ubuntu, Debian etc.)
I don't know much about Linux and it's commands which is sometimes confusing.

An alternative is repairing the Windows Master Boot Record
Here are the steps:

1. Using an external dvd drive or usb, boot up your Windows Installation disk.
2. After the files finish loading and you got into the Windows Installation interface, click some "Next"s until you find and option to "Repair Your Computer".
3. Then a scanning procedure will follow. It will try to identify the partition where the previous Windows OS was installed. When it finds your OS click next.
4. Choose "Command Prompt". This will be the option will be using in repairing the MBR
5. Type these commands:

bootsect /nt60 c:

then wait as it repairs the C: partition, after that type:

bootsect /nt60 c: /mbr

it will now repair the MBR

After that, you can reboot and hopefully you can boot your tablet with Windows

Note: If your Windows OS was installed in another partition (D:,E:,F:, etc.) then change the letter in the commands above.

Hope this helps
my view sonic g tablet will not shut down.......just has picture of the two birds on home screen, can't do anything....
please help,
my view sonic g tablet will not shut down.......just has picture of the two birds on home screen, can't do anything....
please help,

this part of the forum and thread is for the Viewpad 10 Dual boot, you would probably have better luck posting this in the correct forum as the chances of someone here having this Viewsonic tablet is pretty slim. the only advice I can give you is see if there is a small hole for a reset button (if there is find something to push it), or try holding the power button until it shuts off (may or may not work) or you might have to wait until the battery drains. either way good luck.
my view sonic g tablet will not shut down.......just has picture of the two birds on home screen, can't do anything....
please help,
Go to this web site:

Start Here - Viewsonic GTablet For Dummies

Scroll down to the "Code Red" section. It mentions the "stuck at birds" problem, and should be able to guide you to a fix.

I had a g-tablet, and they are almost impossible to brick. So be comforted in the knowledge that your tablet can be restored. You just may need to learn more about it first.