Bluetooth tethering problem Archos 70 - Nokia E71


Jan 12, 2011
Hi, has anybody got this to work?

Bluetooth tethering works fine from my laptop to the E71.
DUN profile just says "*99#" as number to dial, plus a login (that can be a random string I think), no password. This works fine.

Now the Archos 70 is a different story. Bluetooth level says "paired but not connected" - reading through a lot of stuff this seems to indicate success. When I start tethering however I either get an error message (saying that it cannot connect) or it hangs forever trying to connect. On the Archos I tried the same DUN profile, and also tried many APN/login/password combinations (for Vodafone in the Netherlands) that are mentioned on the internet like, internet/web/web and many others.

Did anybody get tethering to a Nokia E71 to work? If so please share your details. Thanks.
There is a bug I found in one of their scripts that can cause a failure with carriers that require a user/pass for the APN.

Sent from my A70S using Tapatalk
Dervari, can you elaborate on this bug? How to work around it?
BTW, does the Archos 70 make a distinction between "PAN" and "DUN", I do not see where I can configure this.
Hi There,

i would like to say my Archos 101 can be tethered via my nokia E71.
i have read many post over the web, but most of them are simply telling us disregarding the APN. I am using 3 Three Hong Kong service and sucessfully got the connected in this evening.

conditions: Archos is Foyo 2.2. E71 firmware should be also update.

Here are my steps.
1. turn on E71 bluetooth
2. search the Archos tablet via E71 bluetooth.
3. turn on Archos tablet bluetooth.
4. paried the E71 and Archos with a "key" code
5. on Archos, back to the moblie tethering. Archos may ask you to enter the APN. (This information must be entered in orderto waken up your E71 SIM info).

6. I use Three Hong Kong service, so i entered,hk. please check your local APN connection info. Just a reminder, do not enter MMS/GPRS info. This will not work.

7. no username and no password should be entered.
8. about 10 seconds, this will show up "Your Device" DUN - Click to choose this device.

9. Click to check Tether
10. after few seconds the screen will popup and tells you device is now tethered.

I have check back my E71 and make sure the bluetooth connection is still on.... and Archos can go to web..... so it works......

I tried the exact same steps (with my own APN), but I just cannot get this to work. It keeps saying "unable to connect by tethering". I am on Archos 70 firmware 2.0.71 - what is your exact firmware level? My E71 firmware level is 501.21.001 (latest afaik).
I tried the exact same steps (with my own APN), but I just cannot get this to work. It keeps saying "unable to connect by tethering". I am on Archos 70 firmware 2.0.71 - what is your exact firmware level? My E71 firmware level is 501.21.001 (latest afaik).
I was able to use APN of for get my Archos 70 tethered to my Nokia 5230 but then it has stopped working, I think three have stopped it so that i cant use my 1GB data plan to surf on my Archos, this is not fair, does anyone know an APN for Three UK that will work?
Well i've never had bad experience with Cell Phone Thetering on my A70. I use it with nokia 5800 and it work like a charm. A little suggest, avoid using manual setup unless you exactly knew your carrier setting. Try to repeat the add cellphone process till it automatically read your sim setting. Usually at second or third trial, you'll see the APN. In my case it's (excelcomindo indonesia). Also make sure you have granted bluetooth access from your A70 to the phones (set A70 as Authorized in bluetooth paired device in phone bluetooth setting). I'm using latest FW v.20.3.26 unrooted A70 (waiting Arcangel to be able to root it acctually ^_^ ).

@tony : i doubt carrier can do that since in cellphone thetering, cellphone is act as proxy. I have another simcard from another carrier, which have dataplan for mobile phone only, i can't use the simcard in 3G usb modem and connect internet trom pc but i still can connect my A70 to the cloud by cellphone thetering using that carrier.

Sent from my A70H using Android Tablet Forum
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Hi, has anybody got this to work?

Bluetooth tethering works fine from my laptop to the E71.
DUN profile just says "*99#" as number to dial, plus a login (that can be a random string I think), no password. This works fine.

Now the Archos 70 is a different story. Bluetooth level says "paired but not connected" - reading through a lot of stuff this seems to indicate success. When I start tethering however I either get an error message (saying that it cannot connect) or it hangs forever trying to connect. On the Archos I tried the same DUN profile, and also tried many APN/login/password combinations (for Vodafone in the Netherlands) that are mentioned on the internet like, internet/web/web and many others.

Did anybody get tethering to a Nokia E71 to work? If so please share your details. Thanks.

Not sure if this will help, but it worked for me after having the same problem trying to BlurTooth Tether my X6.
Under the 'Cell phone tethering in settings try 'Enable TCP/IP header compression (Blackberry)'
Im with 3Mobile so my APN was set up for Three, login & password I left black (not sure if would be same for your APN)
Hope this may be of some use. Good luck