Book style case for the huawei s7


Mar 21, 2011
Hello everyone I just joined the forum and I must say,you guys are great I have learned a lot and it my hopes of learning more thank.
I recently came across a case and purchase it for my S7,the cost was $15.00 US and it's all Leather...It came with a screen protector also,Now me personally I like it and I plan to make a few adjustment but never the less I am happy with it,I ordered it and it took 5 day to arrive from Hong Kong and I am in New york,Anyway I upload some photo and if you like I will add the link,So check it out and let me know what you think.
Ciao......... $P1000437.JPG$P1000439.JPG$P1000440.JPG$P1000438.JPG$P1000436.JPG
Hello everyone I just joined the forum and I must say,you guys are great I have learned a lot and it my hopes of learning more thank.
I recently came across a case and purchase it for my S7,the cost was $15.00 US and it's all Leather...It came with a screen protector also,Now me personally I like it and I plan to make a few adjustment but never the less I am happy with it,I ordered it and it took 5 day to arrive from Hong Kong and I am in New york,Anyway I upload some photo and if you like I will add the link,So check it out and let me know what you think.
Ciao.........View attachment 2065View attachment 2066View attachment 2067View attachment 2068View attachment 2069hi looks great can you post a link please
Hi Neil here's the link for the case,but I apologize I quoted it to be 15 buck's,but I got it with some $2.00 off promotion its 16.99,but never the less its a nice case and come with a free screen protector and fast shipping,I did a lot of searching to find a case and I actually found two different one's I liked, I didn't post the other yet cause they was out of stock,Its a little more money for it but it zipper all the way around and opens up and fold's back but anyway I will post it when I get it.
GENUINE LEATHER Black Case Cover Wallet for Nook Color | eBay
It looks like this was made for the Nook. Does the s7 slide around much in he case? What adjustments do you plan on making?
JDubTrey Yes this is for the Nook Reader,but has we both know each manufacturers make the case dimension a taded different from each other this case I actually contacted the company to obtain the dimension for it,Now the case it self fits the Huawei perfect,what I did do so far was move the corner straps and resew them in place to hold the tablet corner a little more securely,but now remember this is a book style case which I but into my briefcase to carry around,and I find because of the make it's feel comfortable carrying it in my hand and I have done so taking it into meeting and such but I guest at this point you and other members have to be the judge for yourself,But mind you I have seen some of you guys idea for case,which I wasn't happy with,but this one I feel I can live with,And again has I stated in my first post there is another case I got my eye on which is zippered and open and fold back,I think my efforts for finding a case,well supersedes wishing they had a case,I hope this was helpful but for 16 buck's free shipping to 40+state tax you can't go wrong.
P.S. Here's an idea for those who don't have a means of resew the corner's,purchase the case and take it to your local Cleaner or Tailor and for a few buck's they will remove and resew the corner straps for you mind you this is a 100% leather case which makes it strong.
Good Luck..................