Broken Tablet, No One Cares to Have It Repaired

Karen MacGregor

Junior Member
Sep 18, 2014
To Whomever Reads this:

I purchased 3 ASUS model AS ME173X in Nov 2013 for my daughters who are special needs as they need them for their school learning. Now the issue at hand is my youngest gave me her tablet to charge before going off to bed. We plugged it in and the battery showed up as in charging. Come the A.M. after unplugging she turned it on to use it and nothing happened. So I tried holding both buttons to reset the tablet but nothing happened. I got online with support and spoke with them and went through the same steps I tried and it wouldn't work so I was asked to mail it in for repairs as it was under the 1 yr. warranty still. They sent me a email stating the tablet was defective and the SD card was the issue but asked to submit $250 in repairs. So I then called the number at support and this lady if you want to call her that started accusing my daughter of damaging the device and that's why they are asking for funds and will not cover it under the 1 yr. warranty. I went back to where I purchased the 3 tablets which was Staples and their Tech guys told me there is no way on God's green earth that a 14 yr. old knows anything about how to damage the device in what ASUS is claiming happened. They said they do agree with email as I probably got a lemon out of the 3 and that it is defective. So I called back support with this info I was informed by Staples and spoke with a gentleman and he said for me to go to and post threads there to get someone to look further into this. So I did that and 2 emails and a week later STILL no REPLY. Now I am past mad and angry as my daughter loved her tablet but yet NO ONE at ASUS cares to get this item fixed or replaced and expects me to pay and cover something that I was informed and deemed DEFECTIVE. Now I am asking on here could someone who works with ASUS help me please in getting this resolved cause I am tired of trying and getting NO WHERES. If this is what you call customer service well then you have lost a customer and I will NEVER buy another one of your products unless someone here and guide me to the right place to have this issue fixed. All I am asking is either FIX REPLACE or issue my money back so I can go and buy a better tablet for my daughter who needs it for her schooling. Thanks for your time.
Welcome to the forum

Sorry for the peblems you're having but nobody from ASUS has any involvement with this forum. I do have an E-Mail address you could send this to he is a customer loyalty rep for ASUS (Scott) and may be able to help.
Welcome to the forum

Sorry for the peblems you're having but nobody from ASUS has any involvement with this forum. I do have an E-Mail address you could send this to he is a customer loyalty rep for ASUS (Scott) and may be able to help.
Thanks for the reply but that's the issue .. everyone I seem to speak with says they have no involvement but yet willing to take money so it can be fixed. Im just so mad and frustrated that a company like ASUS just sits idle by and don't answer customers let alone help when help is needed. I will try the email you gave me and see if that gets me anywhere but I wont hold my breathe.
Post your problem on ASUS's Facebook page. That's where I got fast help.
Contact consumer reps/honchos at Staples and complain there. Start a campaign to inform the public how Asus abandons their customers. Go to the media. You know what they say about the squeaky wheel getting the grease. I would complain until I felt that I got $250 off my chest, but I surely would not send them that money. File a formal complaint with the govt, Attorney General's office in the state where Asus has its US hq, or the FTC. Whatever you can come up with. Who knows, maybe you will get some satisfaction after complaining to the right entity. Good luck.
Contact consumer reps/honchos at Staples and complain there. Start a campaign to inform the public how Asus abandons their customers. Go to the media. You know what they say about the squeaky wheel getting the grease. I would complain until I felt that I got $250 off my chest, but I surely would not send them that money. File a formal complaint with the govt, Attorney General's office in the state where Asus has its US hq, or the FTC. Whatever you can come up with. Who knows, maybe you will get some satisfaction after complaining to the right entity. Good luck.
Thanks Cali as I have the email in which they claim its defective then they change it by saying it was damage done to the SD card slot which cause it to not work. Well it was working when I plugged it in and went to bed .. Honestly I don't know what caused it to go poof but ill be damn if I will buy something from this company again .. they are crooks and no customer service to be found in their business.
Posting a link onto which ppl can click to see what happened and if maybe someone might know what caused it to go poof .. when u click on it to open then click on photo .. any help would be appreciated.


  • Quote CAX1480580 ASUS
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Posting a link onto which ppl can click to see what happened and if maybe someone might know what caused it to go poof .. when u click on it to open then click on photo .. any help would be appreciated.
The picture does indeed show physical damage, not parts failure, so not covered by warranty.
I suspected they found that the tablet was damaged, the price is what shocks me, $250 to repair a $150 tablet makes no sense.
They aren't going to repair it, they are simply going to replace it with a refurbished one anyway.
So no need in charging you so much for a refurbished tablet.

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