buying a ZT-280 or at least considering it?


Dec 12, 2011
i'm considering buying this Tablet...The only issue is that i know Sh*t about tablets and their gimmicks...I just want to be able to surf the interweb at high speed and with a good clean screen so that i don't have to wait half an hour before the porn comes up or i don't have to use my smartphone for porn cause the screen is to small and you can barely see a nipple on it...
HDMI out would be appreciated to get the porn onto the flatscreen...

That said (yeah, i'm pretty sure the internet's main purpose is distribute porn) i've seen the ZT-280 from ZeniThink at quite a nice price but i don't know if it's any good...
specs here:

ou can buy one of those for about 150$ instead of having to sell an eyeball so i'm able to buy a galaxy pad or something...
does it look good and IS it good???
i'm considering buying this Tablet...The only issue is that i know Sh*t about tablets and their gimmicks...I just want to be able to surf the interweb at high speed and with a good clean screen so that i don't have to wait half an hour before the porn comes up or i don't have to use my smartphone for porn cause the screen is to small and you can barely see a nipple on it...
HDMI out would be appreciated to get the porn onto the flatscreen...

That said (yeah, i'm pretty sure the internet's main purpose is distribute porn) i've seen the ZT-280 from ZeniThink at quite a nice price but i don't know if it's any good...
specs here:

ou can buy one of those for about 150$ instead of having to sell an eyeball so i'm able to buy a galaxy pad or something...
does it look good and IS it good???
Hi, Atzerath.
Yes, the Zenithink C91 will be a good choice! it can meet all your requirements and have good performance. it's on sale in our site for $224.9 with shipping, and the Zenithink C71 is for $150 with shipping, hope you can buy a real cost-effective tablet PC online!:)
And now from someone whos not trying to sell stuff...

Sent from my GT-I5510 using Android Tablet Forum
OOOOOR should i just man up and save a bit to buy an Acer Iconia A500 for about 350?
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personally i'd spring for the Zenithink ZT-280 C91. I recently purchased one for $230 on ebay. It has gotten MUCH better reviews than the 180. basically think of this as a 'second generation' with a ton of upgrades. I got it as a christmas gift, and i'll be sad to see it go. its amazing.

i'd buy a few accessories for it though.
bluetooth dongle - $10
bluetooth headphones - $30-50
wii remote - ??

then you can play a ton of games (including emulators) with the huge screen (or on your hdmi tv) while using the wiimote.
i wasn't trying to sell anything, I recently got the zenithink, and for the money, i'm amazed at what it does, and the support the manufacturers are giving us... (a new update every couple weeks) lol. Fortunately they used the cryogen mod as their foundation, and its pretty stable. I've only had to hard reset it a couple times. and for me, thats pretty good. (on a side note, i think you have to crack the case and pull the battery on the 180 to reset it. on the 280 there is a reset push pin)

there is a quad core coming out soon. (not zenithink) that looks pretty impressive, but i thing its going to be in the 350-$400 price range... and at that point, i'd just spring for a new laptop
Personally I chose the Le Pan 9.75 TC970. $199.00 (in the USA, no overseas ordering), had it in 2 days.
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