Calendar issues


Dec 18, 2011
Hi there
I have 7" Tablet PC Android 2.2 MID 3G Wifi 2GB. I can't get the calendar to function. I'm not able to add any events. I can open the calendar, I can move from day to day etc but when I click on 'calendars' or add new event I get a message to say "You have no calendars". In the manual it states that the first time you use the calendar it will ask you to register with an email address etc. But I don't get any messages when I open the calendar. When I do an internet search I have noticed that other people have the same issue. Is anyone able to assist or advise?
Kind regards
Hi Nancy, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems and I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section to see if we can get some help for you. Good luck!
Hi, I followed this thread because I have the same issue. Started the android 7"2.2 MID and the calendar keeps saying I have no calendar. So far have not been able to find any info on how to get a calendar on the tablet. All I fi=ound is lots of people with the same issue. Deb
I would like to bring back my Vizeo calendar because I am having same issue with calendar function, and I am not able to find help regarding this issue anywhere. I try to add an event and it says I have "no calendar". Spending a lot o time on this and I am getting frustrated. Is this unit broken? DO I need to return it, or can someone help me with this issue?