Can add Android Market to Tablet model SYTABBL7-0608


Oct 26, 2011
I just purchased a Sylvania 7" mini-tablet model SYTABBL7-0608 and see no Android Market or any way to install it.

Does anyone know how to get the market to come up?

This seems to be a refurbished product I got at Big Lots for $99. It says it's been updated to Android V2.2 and I checked for updates and it installed a new firmware.

Hopefully someone can help me get the market working or I may have to return it soon.

Return it soon.

You can buy a brand new one from CVS Pharmacy (as a matter of fact- a new upgraded VERSION of the same model) for $99.

None of them come with Market, its a branding thing. There is a get-around Market that you can find here: The best thing to do is, FIRST THING, sign into your YouTube account on the YT app and then it seems to link all of the other accounts and you get a better market (better meaning that you get paid apps and free apps as opposed to just the free ones).

But UPDATE your tablet before you do anything. After an update, it wipes all of your apps and settings... and before you update it.... take it back and get one that one of us hasn't had and bricked it by trying to modify it and returned it!!!!
I just had to root mine and install the market.apk. But I am using the newer EX Plus from CVS which shipped with 2.2 on it so that probably does not help much
I just purchased a Sylvania 7" mini-tablet model SYTABBL7-0608 and see no Android Market or any way to install it.

Does anyone know how to get the market to come up?

This seems to be a refurbished product I got at Big Lots for $99. It says it's been updated to Android V2.2 and I checked for updates and it installed a new firmware.

Hopefully someone can help me get the market working or I may have to return it soon.

Welcome! A few things the "Android Version" and "Model Number" are typically hard coded in the Settings application (Settings.apk) and don't provide the true hardware version that will provide additional insight to what modifications are supported.

Snippet of code from Setting.apk
<string name="[B]firmware_version[/B]">Android version</string>  
<string name="[B]model_number[/B]">Model number</string>

The Hardware ID "hwver is the best descriptor of what type of device you have. Using either of the methods below could you provide the Hardware ID "hwver"?

Hardware version identification either using Android Terminal Emulator application or adb

To determine the "hwver", without the need to use adb is through the use of a Terminal Emulator application.

The Android Terminal Emulator by Jack Palevich is a VT-100 compatible terminal emulator for Android devices without the need to root. Additional information: jackpal / Android-Terminal-Emulator wiki

After installing the application - From the shell prompt $ type "cat /proc/cmdline" without the "" and click the enter/return key in the bottom to get the "hwver".

adb method using adbWireless

Using "adb" query the device with this command - adb shell cat /proc/cmdline
C:\>adb shell cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttySAC3,115200 androidboot.mode=normal bmagic=0xeef07901 [B]hwver=[/B]

PS If you're up to it could you also post the results of "getprop ro.hardware"?

Could you run the following command and post the results? This may point to the new update server.
[FONT=courier new]getprop persist.sys.server[/FONT]

It will be interesting to see if this is refurbished with just a "new" software update and if they have resolved the ongoing issues with wifi etc.
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I went to about device and found the following info:

Model Number: SYTABEX7-2
Android Version: DG2.20
Hardware ID:
Firmware ID: DG2.2.1-7a3.b5 - V2 for update-test

I'll read a little more on how to get to the command prompt and try the others you have suggested. here's a lot to digest.

Thanks for all your help and useful links.
ps. I keep having to enable Wi-Fi everytime this thing starts up.

ok, I got terminal installed and everything is the same as above and the getprop persist.sys.server reports
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ps. I keep having to enable Wi-Fi everytime this thing starts up.

ok, I got terminal installed and everything is the same as above and the getprop persist.sys.server reports
Thanks, the ip is the same as before so now more confused than ever how the tablet is obtaining new updates.

Question - Where did you obtain the original model number posted?

PS The wifi issue is one we hoped a future update may fix. Sounds like it's still an issue. If not using WEP enable it temporarily to see if connection is any better.
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I bought it at Big Lots. It was on sale for $99. The box says SYTABBL7 and the back says SYTABBL7-0608 on the back under model number. but the Android OS reports it's model SYTABEX7-2.

I got the new updates from setting with "Upgrade System" that only downloaded new firmware. I double check for new updates and it reports, " The system has been to the latest version", but it leaves out the word updated. Does this also upgrade the OS? or do I need a different app for that?

I'm having a difficult time exiting the terminal. I typed exit and it just seems to hang and I see no abort buttons or anything.

I also ran getprop ro.hardware and it reports reports: imapx200
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I got the new updates from setting with "Upgrade System" that only downloaded new firmware. Does this also upgrade the OS? or do I need a different app for that?

I'm having a difficult time exiting the terminal. I typed exit and it just seems to hang and I see no abort buttons or anything.
Interesting, pictures of the box would be great to compare against the model being sold at CVS that also displays the same model SYTABEX7-2.

To exit Android Terminal Emulator you may need to press the physical "back" button which is also the "Power" button on the back of the tablet.
Here's a picture of the box with the addendum. (I assumed this is refurb as the Pandigital tab was a refurb at $77 but they were out of)


I see now in the addendum that the power button is the back button.
(I assumed this is refurb as the Pandigital tab was a refurb at $77 but they were out of)
Don't believe it "refurb" but repackage hardware with updated firmware from last years 2.1 and includes 2 GB microSD card. Same as sold in CVS (except East Coast). $550018608.jpg

For future purchasers - NO need to update firmware as the device was probably shipped with a newer version than is on the update server.
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OK, I finally got the market installed. It was really easy, with a couple exceptions.

first, my system didn't have gmail and it wasn't even listed in add new app. I googled and got the new version 2.3.5.

I then tried to install market and couldn't find one from google and found one here:

I just installed the app without doing any of the root stuff as mine wouldn't allow me to be root.

It installed, but it vanished without starting up. I che cked the apps and there was no shortcut.

By accident, I found the most recent apps by hitting the home button and dragged it by mistake and seen market listed. I just clicked on it there and it started up fine. I installed Angry Birds RIO for a test and it took no problems.

any hints on getting the Market shortcut in the apps menu?
thansk a ton again for everyone's help. This has been more painless than imagined.
Is the market listed as an installed app when you got to Settings-->Applications?

Not sure if you can add anything to the Application menu, but you could probably add a shortcut to your toolbar for it
Yes, I was able to add new app just fine. ty

I am still having issues with the Market. I can't get paid apps, and can't seem to install some utilities as I don't think I have root access. I even tried to add a superuser program that would install. T terminal program I have won't give me root access with the su command. any terminal programs you know that will allow me superuser access?
I have the sylvania 10" tablet and for some reason I cannot check the wifi box! It hilites the area but will not let me check the box and not being able to do so the device is useless ... Please help! Any ideas why this is doing (or not doing) this?