Can anyone reccomend me a tablet??


Aug 23, 2010

Been reading the forums for a while and now ready to push the button on getting a tablet.

I am looking to do the following with it:

SD Video, xvid/divx tv shows and films. Want to be able to view without converting my current TV show library.
Browse internet
Listen to music
Android Market
Preferably Android 2.1
HDMI Out possibly?
7 inch.
Maybe some 3D games? Not essential.

All this would be done on wifi while I am at home and probably watchin shows on the tube to work. Maybe take it on holiday loaded with films and connect to TV in apartment via HDMI. Although does not need to do High definition video.

Thats about it really. I am looking to spend as little money as possible really.

I am after something that just works. I dont mind putting on a custom rom or anything.

Is there anything out there that can do this at the moment? I have seen a few out there but would like some feedback and help from users of the tablets already.


check out they have several tablets that offer tv out options and that are running android 2.1 also you might be interested in the wits A81E it is running android 2.2
check out Best Deals on Android Tablet,Tablet PC,Smartphones,Apple Accessories,Cool Gadgets & more from Hong Kong China they have several tablets that offer tv out options and that are running android 2.1 also you might be interested in the wits A81E it is running android 2.2

Thanks, I am not sure I like the form factor of the Wits device.

I am thinking of a coupel of options at the moment, either the zt-180, the pandawill g10/g11 or the moonse 7002/Telechips other OEM of this.

I would preferably like the 10.2" version but am dubious about the support and how well it runs, I want something that is usable but does not need to be amazing straight off I would be happy upgrading it.

Any thoughts on the best 7" out there at the moment for my uses? 3D gaming is not essential. I think the zt-180 is prob the best 10" at the moment.


well from what i have gathered the best 7 inch is the g10 a lot of people seem to like it
I recommend the dell streak. I just got one was was able to unlock it. When it's unlocked it's cool. Please I like to dell streak hacks
It looks like it is full of possibilities, just nervous because its a prototype. I think, I'll give them a little more time to even it out,and wait on the new video showing it. I have high hopes.
I think I am either going to go for Zenithink ZT-180 or a Pandawill G10/G11, moonse e7002 variant.

Which one would be the most stable?
I'm gonna wait to see the new crop coming out just in time for Christmas. I have a droid X but would like something a tad bigger for reading e-books and just to leave laying around the end table to catch up on whats going on when the boob toob is playing commercials. I'm leaning toward Samsung, but would like to see some leaks on the Motorola Tablet.
That's fair enough but be careful of cheap immatations and incorrect descriptions. You know what your getting with a UK supplier as they have usually been thru all the crap with HK and Chinese sellers and hopefully have tested everything out before they sell on to us.